Most of us know the feeling of being overwhelmed by clothes that no more fit fast growing babies and children. Time is also precious, especially for young parents. Taking these two factors into consideration, French e-store La tribu des Vêtus came up with an easy and simple concept that avoids parents the hassle of reselling 2nd-hand baby clothes : “Order, Dress and Resell”.

Using the resell service to send baby clothes back to the store is easy, using a prepaid envelope provided with the initial purchase. The resell amount, announced at ordering, is sent a few days later. Easy, quick and stress-free.

The brands assortment at La Tribu des Vêtus includes organic cotton or fair trade  labels such as Bebe Chocolat, Bulle de BB, La Queue du Chat and it will soon widen with the arrival of TroiZenfants, Dis Une Couleur and Minizabi.

Bye bye bad feelings, la Tribu des Vêtus should make you will feel lighter and greener…