Last I week I was walking on Redchurch Street when I met a fun little person. It’s been a while since I published kids in the streets, maybe because I was turned down too many times lately by parents who didn’t want their kids on internet (a decision that I respect).

I had just visited the great store Labour and wait where I tried the Pastiglie Leone‘s new flavours (absinthe and panettone – to die for) when I saw the child running in the street, in her delicious origami-like outfit (skirt by Maan). I didn’t have to get a Leone candy out of the box to have a smile. Frea, who 1 year old, took me to her mother Mei Hui Liu, who was setting up a pop-up store for her label Victim.

I had a really good time chatting with Hui Liu and playing with Frea, which made me think I really should be back to my old habit of taking pictures in the street, hoping to be lucky with parent’s approvals!