At only 24 years old, Nathalie Gaveau earned a MBA from a top University and co-founded French eBay competitor PriceMinister, which sold as one of the largest exits in European consumer web. Nathalie could easily have retired at that point,  but her entrepreneur mind and her years of experience conducted her to launch a new business : Shopcade (a contraction of shopping + arcade). After a few years between Hong Kong and Singapore, Nathalie now lives in London with her husband and two children (7 & 4 years).


Can you tell us more about Shopcade? Shopcade is a  personal shopping app that lets users discover new products, list the things they want and get exclusive rewards.  Most women consider themselves smart shoppers, which they are but there is still a need for it to be easier, more fun, and even more rewarding. One of the reasons I started Shopcade is because online shopping can be both overwhelming and lonely, and on Shopcade, you shop the products you really want, connect with similar shoppers and always get the best deals. 

How many people work with you? I have a team of 20 people, based in London and New York.

How do you balance your working and family lives? I am adapting to priorities and am very organised. I love a good timetable on excel as it is easy to share. I also try to divide weekends between children focused/work time.

A place you like in London with children? Walking and looking at deers in Richmond Park; the children also love the Ice cream shop in Chelsea Farmer’s Market; it’s called ‘Dri Dri Gelato‘.

Your favourite place in your home country? Provence, where I spent most of my holidays as a child. It made me discover fantastic food tastes, harmonious colors and the true beauty of nature. Lavender still remains one of my favorite scents and I can’t wait to read again the fascinating Marcel Pagnol’s books with my children.

The place you love near your office?  We are based in Notting Hill – it’s a unique mix of shopping and cute places to eat  – plus of course the inspiring technology focused team that makes up my office at Shopcade.

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday ? Scotland, especially the Isle of Skye, or Montana in the US to visit ranches and Glacier National Park. I’m a city person who loves the wilderness.

A film that you saw recently ? I laughed a lot at The Untouchables.

The film that you love to see with the whole family? I’m a big fan of Lucky Luke’s cartoons.

The children’s brands your cherish ? Osh Kosh, Petit Bateau, Juliet & the Band (a friend’s label, which is adorable). There’s a great selection for children on Shopcade, take a look here for instance.

What do you buy online? Absolutely everything, from grocery to socks, perfume, books, travel, etc. I keep discovering new stores on Shopcade so it’s great to try lots of new brands. I recently  made great purchases from Free People, Geo Trumper, Photobucket and the Body Shop. I also bought some great Snow boots for the children on Shopcade via Marks&Spencer.

The last item you bought on Shopcade? A nice scented candle from somewhere Orla Kiely from my Shopcade (here) plus a card made by children and drawings as my mum loves these.

A website that inspires you? Save the Children.

Do you have a big dream and if so what is it? Make Shopcade the world’s shopping network and therefore allow any store on the planet to become famous and sell globally. I believe in marketplaces and word of mouth to promote great things.

Something that made you laugh out loudly recently? My children explaining to me that they need to swallow sweets if it’s bad for their teeth… pure logic.

Nathalie Photo