A Look At... Shirley Baker

A Look At… Shirley Baker

Shirley Baker A Look At... Shirley Baker:  Women and Children; and Loitering Men

A Look At... Jennifer Shaw

A Look At… Jennifer Shaw

Jennifer Shaw A Look At...  Jennifer Shaw

A Look At... Horace Warner

A Look At… Horace Warner

Horace Warner A Look At... Horace Warner and his portraits series of East End street kids, the Spitalfields Nippers.

A Look At... Cynthia Henebry

A Look At… Cynthia Henebry

Cynthia Henebry A Look At... Cynthia Henebry.  Henebry's body of work poses a candid and inquisitive look on family dynamics and the complexities of being a child.

A Look At... Cuts and Grazes

A Look At… Cuts and Grazes

Cuts and Grazes A Look At... grazed knees, bleeding noses and tears or taking pictures of our little ones' not so pretty moments.

Nick Waplington Photography

A Look At… Nick Waplington

Nick Waplington A Look At... Nick Waplington's series, Living Room.

A Look At... Robert Wyatt

A Look At… Robert Wyatt

Robert Wyatt A Look At...  london-based photographer Robert Wyatt.

Cristina Hoch Photography

A Look At… Cristina Hoch

Cristina Hoch A Look At...  Cristina Hoch, twenty-something self-taught portrait photographer from Spain.

Erwin Olaf Photography

A Look At… Erwin Olaf

Erwin Olaf A look at Erwin Olaf, dutch master of photography, known for his stylised and staged imagery. 

Francesco Sambo Photography

A Look At… Francesco Sambo

Francesco Sambo A Look At...  The Dreamers series by Venice-based visual artist, Francesco Sambo.