Playtime New York 2015: home decor and collectible steal the show

Lats week end I had the pleasure to attend Playtime in New York. Playtime is the world's largest trade show network for children's collections. It is THE place for all amazing children related products and this year, the New York edition celebrated it's 10th birthday.

Playtime Paris, 17th edition

Playtime Paris, 17th edition coming soon

Time to book the plane and train tickets for Playtime Paris, due on January 31 to February 2 at Parc Floral de Paris. The show will welcome 440  international brands around children's fashion/decor and maternity. Here's a quick preview of this 17th edition, the largest since the…

Playtime New York, March 2014 Edition

Playtime is the world’s largest platform for independent children’s labels, with shows in Paris, Tokyo and New York. The 8th edition of the NY show took place last week, featuring a comprehensive selection of unique American and international brands from all over the globe.…