Breast Cancer : How To Take Control Of Your Health

Forget about the pink ribbon ladies, it’s not called “pinkwashing” without reasons. What you want is real prevention, or in other words, not to develop breast cancer in the first place.

Smart Food For Smart Kids

The right nutritional approach can make a great difference in a child's development, with so much impact on intellectual capacities, concentration and behaviour - not to mention general health of course. We keep hearing about the five-a-day fruits/veg, but there is a bit more to…

On Healthy Eating Habits For Kids And The Family

What's for diner tonight maman? Do you, like me, often struggle with the answer? Yamina Bona, Nutritional Therapist in London and mother of 3, author of the blog eat well live well, shares tips and ideas on how to embark on healthy habits, without going mad.