Fashion Revolution week

Fashion Revolution Week

This week is Fashion Revolution Week, the #whomademyclothes campaign which takes place in April falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1 138 people and injured many more on 24th April 2013. As a result this is the day 'Fashion Revolution' was…

Colour me good : a new Eco Paint Range

How about painting your children's room in Accordion, Carousel, Circus (oranges and pinks)? Or in Helter Skelter, Stilt Walker,  Sideshow (yellows and greens) ? Fifteen shades are available in this new Eco Paint range created by Olive Loves Alfie (famous London based children's…

Olive, 8 years old – London, UK

Olive has style, which she might have taken after her mother Ashlyn Gibson, founder of Olive loves Alfie, an East London children's store. Ashlyn is also the UK correspondent for (the blog off shoot of kidswear magazine). The two seem to share a love…