Wee Society is a new kids brand created by design firm Office, a team of moms and dads who believe in bright little minds, uncontrollable giggles and happy design. They produce prints for decoration as well as a learning app. The “Wee Alphas” on the decoration side features a quirky crew of 26 illustrated animals with a letter of the alphabet hidden in each one, and on the virtual side an iPad learning app for preschoolers. Funny rhymes and surprising animations induce giggles while teaching ABCs.  “Smart, simple, intriguing, thoughtful and well-designed” say the reviews and Apple features The Wee Alphas in their App Store under the  New & Notable section. It can only be good!


Wee Society - Pirouette Blog


Wee Society - Pirouette Blog

For Prints : weesociety.com

For Apps : weesociety.com