“Helena is a beautifully spirited child. She is an adventurer at heart, very curious and with lots of energy, she has no fear and this sometimes gets her in trouble. She  likes to spreads love around, it’s a lot of fun to be around her” says Jimena Bruguera, founder of HBB Industria Argentinaabout her daughter. 


Do you have special powers?  I have pink powers and purple powers, when people are locked or trapped, with my super powers, like this sssshhhhhhh I can unlock them so then they can go and be free.

Who is the strongest person in the world?  My Papa

What do you want to be when you grow up?  I would like to be a sister and a mom but also I would like to be many things like a puppeteer, a teacher, a builder of strong houses and drive a bus and a train.

If you would be an artist who would you like to be?  Remember Mama when I put my finger in that hole that I felt I was trapped in a rainbow and I also liked the gold chocolate coins on the floor, I wanted to touch but they wouldn’t let me, well I would like to do that so then we can all touch (El Anatsui’s sculptures at the Brooklyn Museum).

What is the best thing in life?  Mama, Papa and my little mouse.

Are you scared of anything?  I’m scared of the big bad wolf but I think he won’t come to my house because my house is strong.

What makes you laugh ?  To run and jump fly in my Mama’s bed and even more when we jump together and when I say the bathroom words with my friends.

Your favourite films, books, apps?  Film: Do-a deer (the sound of Music), Book : A home for bird, and I like to watch The Fresh Beat Band in the i-pad

Something you did recently that you really loved ?  I played.

The best holidays you ever had ?  I like the beach because when we go there we are all together, to the other places I go only with Mama or Papa or if we all go, we do things but they are also working but when we go to the beach we play a lot and we are together just together and we do everything together.

A city/place that you would dream to visit ?  The ice cream store because I LOVE strawberry ice cream.

Your favorite belonging ?  My lion puppet but also the little “pañuelitos” (cotton scarves) that my Papa brings me and I wear when I miss him or I’m cold.

The next item you would so dearly love to get?  A cat and a dog, but the real ones.

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now?  I have one, look, Alacabula I will turn you into nothing.

Anything else you would like to tell?  Babies are small, mothers are medium but boys, girls and father’s are big, really big. See, see how big I am, I’m really big.


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you?  I have two. One is The Delta in Argentina, we use to go there almost every weekend, one day, it was during a storm, we were in my father’s speed boat, it was very windy and raining, there were waves and the sky was dark because it was night time, we finally ended reaching land and found shelter in a very precarious place and spend the night all in a tiny room, my father handled it with a lot of bravery, I think that made me love adventure; the other one is The Cachoeiras beach in Brazil, one night my brother and I, while exploring, saw fishermen throwing shinny octopuses back to the ocean because they said it was bad luck to keep them, everything was shinny and sparkly that night, the fish, the waves but especially the octopuses, the sky was full of stars, we sat in the beach and watch them for hours, it was amazing! 

The place you love near your home ? Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday?  To Miami, we will be meeting my father there next week.

A film or cultural event that you saw recently and that staid with you?  Half Nelson.

The film that you love to see with the whole family?  The sound of Music and Castle in the sky.

The book on your bedside table?  I always have more than one but now I’m reading Break it down by Lydia Davis.

The children’s brands your cherish?  Bonpoint, Lttl by lilit and I’m getting to know Mademoiselle a soho, I love the story behind it.

 The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from ?  Acorn, Pomme and Allegria in Brooklyn near my home, they have the right balance between toys and clothes; In Paris I like Zef and also enjoy going to the Bonton in les Marais because it’s fun but in all truth I really like shoe shops, Paris has a great selection and so does Buenos Aires, Bensimon, Repetto, Valeria Leik, The dingo’s from Aster, etc.

Last thing you bought for your child?  A cupcake from One Girl Cookies.

Favourite pieces in your child’s wardrobe?  

The Calida Pijamas from Grandmama, the pieces that Tata (my mother) have especially made for her, the finds that Nata (my cousin) brings from Buenos Aires and the Patagonia ski suit that used to be from Paco, her cousin, and she wears over her clothes when I take her to school on my bicycle.

What do you buy online? I buy plane tickets and hotel stays sometimes.

The online destinations that inspire you? Pirouette, Le vestiaire de jeanne, Quiero, i-escape, Indagare, The national geographic blog …

The product that changed your life?  The i-pad because my daughter can communicate with her grandparents by herself whenever she wants and we can still enjoy sometime together when one of us is travelling.

What are your main current concerns ?  Globalization. Old age – distance.

Do you have a big dream and if so what is it?  To go to Damascus with my mother and to Timbuktu with my daughter and husband.

Something that you did in your childhood that you makes you laugh today?  One time during our summer holidays my brother and I made my mother go over and over and faster and faster the Maldonado bridge because it made our tummies feel funny and she would actually do it over and over, it was like a little rollercoaster, I think we had an Ami 8 Citroën at that time.

Something that made you laugh out loudly recently?  My daughter doing loco legs.


Read more about HBB Industria Argentina here.