Why are children so clever? Because they keep asking “why, why, why?”. That perfectly applies to Louis, who loves asking plenty of questions. His mother Febronie Desage-Bonnet is the Founder & Owner www.febronie.com


What do you want to be when you grow up I want to look after all the animals

Someone you admire?  My mum because I love her

 What is your big dream? When I am 20 I would love to slice Ham

 Are you scared of anything? I am scared of sharks and crocodiles as they are in water and they can eat us

Your favourite films and books The jungle book – I love Bagheera; The three little pigs

Something you did recently that you really loved I visited Chelsea Football club last month and loved it, particularly the player’s changing rooms!

The best holidays you ever had ? We went to Bali which is my favorite place. I learned to swim there and my parents took me to Sarong a restaurant for grown ups

A place that you would dream to visit I would love to visit New York and see the Statue of Liberty

Your favorite outfit or the piece your like the most from your wardrobe I love wearing polos and also wearing one of my mum’s fouta when I go on holidays or to the swimming pool

The next item you would so dearly love to get A red polo with 34 written on it

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? I would transform my dad into a toad, my little brother Jules into a little frog, my nanny into a ghost, my mum into a bat and myself into spiderman


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you? I grew up in Normandy by the sea and I therefore I always feel attracted by water. I lived most of my London life by the Thames River and loved it. Sea places I love are the Amalfi coast as the sea is really dramatic there or Marseille and Hong Kong which are great cities by the sea. But I think the most beautiful place for me remains the ‘Bassin d’Arcachon’ near Bordeaux. I love holidays by the sea.

The place you love near your home I love Battersea Park. It is a feel good place, unpretentious and just 5mn walk from my home

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday I would love to take my sons to Japan one day (when they are a bit older)

A film that you saw recently and that staid with you? The Kite Runner based on the novel of the same name by Khaled Hosseini is really moving and difficult to forget

The film that you love to see with the whole family? Toy Story by Pixar (I love Pixar Movies)

The book on your bedside table I love Romain Gary and often reread ‘la promesse de l’aube’ or ‘la vie devant soi’. He should be more famous here in the UK

The children’s brands your cherish I love Bonton, Caramel Baby & Child and Juliet and the Band the London label founded by my friend Anne-Laure

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from Bobo Kid in Chelsea is always a good inspiration for room decoration. Bonton in le Marais is just the most impressive child store and I love visiting Clara Mia in Bali which is really cute. When I go to Asia, I tend to buy fabric and ask local dressmakers to replicate nice pieces I like for my boys

What do you buy online? I buy most things online as I am too busy to shop and I don’t like shopping. I attend lots of fairs too and always find great products there. I browse online a lot for color inspiration on my collection and have recently started using Pinterest which is really useful

A website that inspires you In the UK, I love ‘Not on the Hight street’, ‘Cox and Cox’ and ‘Bodie and Fou’ for lovely original presents (you can find my products on NOTHS). France is really behind in term of e-commerce but my friend Kate Davies has just founded Nettement Chic in Paris which offers a fantastic selection of the best online stores; watch this space definitively. Her newsletters are just great.

Favourite pieces in your Louis’ wardrobe I bought lovely red swimming trunks from Juliet and the Band for the summer with light crinkle cotton shirts for both Jules & Louis. I find it cute to dress them with the same clothes once they are still small