Lyla and Jillian want to be princess superheroes, because they say, “super heroes are kind, funny, creative and they make people smile and laugh”. Mother of the two superheroes is Marci Cheary, who creates modern art prints for home, fun t-shirts and whimsical prints for kids (Marci

Lyla & Jillian


Do you have special powers?

Lyla: Yes. Flying of course. I hide it though. Only use it when it’s a real emergency. Jillian: Yes. I am not going to tell it to anybody though. It’s a secret.

Who is the strongest person in the world? 

Lyla: A Giant because he is the biggest. Jillian: Mommy! Because she lifted my bunk bed with Daddy to get it on the top.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

Lyla: A princess superhero that is very kind and helps people. I want to help old ladies push things and help people who have mean people bothering them. I will ask for their phone and call the police. Jillian: I don’t know yet. I have to think about it.

Who do you admire? 

Lyla: I admire princesses because they are kind, helpful, and they read books. Jilllian: I admire mommy because she does the most beautifullest paintings.

If you would be an artist who would you like to be? 

Lyla: Monet and I would paint the biggest world painting. I would paint everything that is in the world. Jillian: A fruit artist. I want to paint fruits.

What is the best thing in life? 

Lyla: Petting zoos. Jillian: My kitty

Are you scared of anything? 

Lyla: Getting shots at the doctor because it hurts and also vampire teeth. Jillian: Fire burning because you can burn your finger, but the best part of fire is that you can roast marshmallows!

What makes you laugh? 

Lyla: Funny jokes. Knock knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? You don’t have to cry about it! Jillian: Tickling! I laugh so hard at that. And farting. Farting is always funny.

Your favourite films, books, apps? 

Lyla: Tinkerbell movies and I love the book “Where the Sidewalk Ends” Jillian: “Princess and the Popstar” movie and I love my pop up book “Chronicles of Narnia”

Something you did recently that you really loved? 

Lyla: I went on a mountain coaster and water slides. Jillian: I went in a wave pool!

The best holidays you ever had? Christmas last year because I got to eat the cookie that santa left and I ate it before breakfast!

A place that you would dream to visit? 

Jillian: Costa Rica. Because I never saw it before

Your favorite belonging? 

Lyla: My blankie. Jillian: My kitty. She is so cute. I love her belly.

The next item you would so dearly love to get? 

Lyla: My blankie. It is in the washing machine right now. Jillian: A bicycle.

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? 

Lyla: I am going to put it into my backpack first to be safe and then I will make a whole bunch of buildings for the people who don’t have homes. Then I will make castles. Jillian: Make magic all over the place. Poof my building into a castle.


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you? Believe it or not, Disney World changed my life. When I was 10 my family and I visited Disney World for the first time. I took a tour of the animation studios. As I walked through and saw the artists at work I knew right then that I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to create art for the rest of my life.

The place you love near your home?  I love all the riverside parks in NYC but most especially Battery Park. I love going there with my family and having the girls just run amok on the grass. The views of the Hudson are just so beautiful down there.

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday? Honestly anyplace that is warm and has a pool the girls can swim in 24 hours a day. I think they were mermaids in their former life.

A film or cultural event that you saw recently and that staid with you? When a group of men and women dressed as fairies walked into a community garden, I knew this had to be the coolest event I had ever been to. It was called Harvest Day in the Gardens. We live on the Lower East Side of NYC and on this day all of the community gardens in our neighborhood hosted an open house. These gardens were derelict or abandoned properties that the local residents fought very hard to convert to community gardens that are now maintained and enjoyed by the local residents. Harvest Day was a day to celebrate what the community has done. The gardens are now beautiful. Each one has its own character and very strongly reflects the diversity, color and creativity of the residents of our unique community. My family spent the day “secret garden” hopping, as my daughters called them. Each garden had an activity or craft for the kids or live musicians or a dance performance, all kinds of unique and interesting stuff. It was a beautiful day.

The film that you love to see with the whole family? “Best Day Ever!!!!!!” My girls say that all the time now. They mean it, which is wonderful. Ramona Quimby said that quote in the movie “Ramona and Beezus”. My girls are big fans of the Ramona book series, and we recently discovered the movie. I love watching it with them. It’s all about being a kid.

The book on your bedside table? This book is amazing. Blood Bones and Butter. I love this story. This book is about the many kitchens Gabrielle, the author has journeyed through before opening up her own restaurant in the east village of NY. But it’s not just about food, it about struggling as an artist and finding your way through life, which I guess most of us can relate to. It really is an inspiring book.

The children’s brands your cherish? I really respect Melissa and Doug for bringing safe affordable wooden toys back to the mainstream market. California Baby, I also love for their safe products. I use almost all their bath products and lotions for my girls. I love the clothes at Mini Boden. I think half of the girls wardrobe is Mini Boden. But I will always have a soft spot for local designers like Brooklyn Junior. They have the cutest dresses.

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from? Jane’s Exchange is the coolest consignment shop in the coolest neighborhood in NYC. I love going there. They focus on kids clothes and maternity wear. The owners know their customers, or at least treat you like they know you. Being located in such an international city as NYC, they have a huge international collection of clothes.  And Exit 9, also in my neighborhood. They have the most unusual gifts for children. Very unique.

Last thing you bought for your child? I think it was the big box of wipes to wipe off the cotton candy I bought for them. Sheesh. Messy stuff.

Favourite pieces in your child’s wardrobe? Their tutus. Their little bums just look so cute in them!

What do you buy online?  I am absolutely addicted to buying my groceries on Fresh Direct. So now I have more boxes to recycle and more boxes for the girls to make castles and ghetto snow sleds out of (and yes, it was the best sled in the LES of NYC). I also am a huge huge fan of Esty.  This site has really helped up and coming artisans gain a huge audience, and have given regular consumers the opportunity to find unique products and gifts, made by small, independent businesses. It’s really a game changer. It helps us compete with Walmart and Amazon.

The online destinations that inspire you? The jealous curator, Arthound, Patternbank, Decor8. Everything on these sights are so visually inspiring. They motivate me on so many levels.

The product that changed your life ? First response pregnancy test!!!

Do you have a big dream and if so what is it? To create my art without thinking or second guessing myself. To move smoothly and not think about what may not work, to just create and move forward. Constantly move forward. Then, in this way, to create art for the rest of my life would be my big dream.

Something that you did in your childhood that you makes you laugh today? When I was 6 I took my 3 year old brother on his first amusement park ride. It was just a tiny little kiddie coaster. When it went to turn a corner it whipped you around just hard enough. I never heard him laugh so hard. It was the cutest thing. We all still laugh about it to this day. These little memories are the things that we all cherish most. Life is about sharing happy moments.

Something that made you laugh out loudly recently? When I went on this mountain coaster last vacation. I felt like a kid again racing on that thing. I couldn’t stop laughing.