Nathan is a very joyful and communicative boy with a passion for animals; he talks about them to every person he meets! Carla-Rose, as joyful as her brother, is articulate as well as being a true artist.  She is also very compassionate : she loves to help the people and the family, and she goes by “p’tite Mademoiselle”. Mother of the two, Genevieve Gagnon is Screenwriter for The Lovaganza Convoy motion picture trilogy, Co-founder of Lovaganza 2015 and  the Lovaganza Foundation. This happy family lives by the sea, sharing its time between California and South of France. Such luck!

Nathan  & Carla-Rose

What do you want to be when you grow up Nathan I want to save the animals – Carla-Rose I want to save the princesses

Who do you admire? Nathan Myself (Genevieve put that into parenthesis…) – Carla-Rose Princess Dora

What is your big dream? Nathan See all the animals of the world – Carla-Rose Plant flowers

Are you scared of anything? Nathan I am scared of not finding all the animals – Carla-Rose I am scared to be eaten by monsters

Your favourite films and books  Nathan Colors Zoo and Madagascar – Carla-Rose Snow white and princess book

Something you did recently that you really loved Nathan Visit a zoo – Carla-Rose Take a walk with mommy and daddy

The best holidays you ever had Nathan Guatemala because a saw the howler monkeys and France because I love France – Carla-Rose France because I love France

A place that you would dream to visit Nathan Africa, Madagascar, because I would like to see the animals in the Savanna – Carla-Rose A princess castle

Your favorite outfit or the piece your like the most from your wardrobe Nathan My alligator t-shirt and my Fox costume – Carla-Rose My white dress with my princess shoes

The next item you would so dearly love to get Nathan Pictures of maps – Carla-Rose A new dress

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? Nathan Come back to the zoo – Carla-Rose Make an elephant appear


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you? Cape Cod… When I saw for the first time the ocean and Disneyland in Florida, and heard a very special song which has remained in my heart still today called it’s a small world… after all.

The place you love near your home A little restaurant on the beach close to my home in Eze called the Anjuna..and the Villa Rothschild with its history and the wonderful garden… eat dessert at Hotel the Paris… walking on Chemin de Nietche… In Eze Village every street here has a story… A historical Story.

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday ? Thailand, India and Africa

A film that you saw recently and that stayed with you? War horse

The film that you love to see with the whole family? The lion king

The book on your bedside table? Notes on a life – Eleanor Coppola and The Power of the invisible sun – Bob Sagger

The children’s brands your cherish I love handmade clothes and Classic brands, Levi’s, Ralph Lauren. Also Caramel Baby and Child, Cocinelle, Little Vintage.

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from Petit Bateau; a little store in Frigiliana (Spain) called FlamenKamelia; Poppy store in L.A.

A website that inspires you

Lastest item you added to your child’s wardrobe Shoes for Nathan and Carla-Rose in a little store in California. I love discovering secret shops where the owners have real passion for what they make…

Favourite pieces in your child’s wardrobe In Spain, dress for Carla-Rose and a jacket from Tibet for Nathan.