Wes Anderson’s movie Isle of Dogs opened the Berlin Film Festival  yesterday and how fitting with the start of the Chinese new year commencing today ;-) The film is not on general release until the 28 March 2018 (we can’t wait!) but for now lets celebrate the world of dog with some of our favourites from the super cool magazine Four&Sons where dogs and culture collide…

Wes Anderson – The Isle of Dogs on general release from 28th March 2018. The Guardian review click here

Popcorn on Popcorn Dot Eat Dog calendar the gourmand

Dog Eat Dog 2018 Calendar: this is Popcorn & Popcorn. All the dogs in the calendar are exclusively named after food. Proceeds go to @official_rspca. Concept and art direction by The Gourmand. Photography @jessbonham, food styling by @seikohatfield & set design by @georgiacoleman. Peanut & Peanut is another favourite.


Image by Sophie Gamand @sohpiegamand for the exhibition Power Flower.

Illustration by John Bond @iamjohnbond for the exhibition Best in Show.

Image by Hellen Van Meene @hellenvanmeene for exhibit ‘Five’.

Image by Horst Diekgerdes @horstdiekgerdes for @doublemagazine.

Four&Sons – where dogs and culture collide.