December 8, 2014
Home Grown Books : Not your ordinary toddler book
There is a lot to love about Home grown books, a Brooklyn-based children's publishing company founded by reading specialist Kyla Ryman. Their philosophy is simple: children deserve material as rich as their imaginations.
July 22, 2013
Read, Give, Grow with Milk+Bookies
Did you know that 61% of low income families have no books in their home? With this number in mind, Meredith Alexander started MILK+BOOKIESTM . Through this non-profit organization, she raised over 47,000 books and inspired over 11,000 young “future philanthropists”. An…
January 28, 2012
Into the wild, reading books
I wish I could take the Argentinian landscapes back with me to London, and I wish I also could take that delicious reading room with its decor and books contents. I love Eastern European children's books and illustrators but South American seem to have the same love for detailed…