Djek Max and Elvis Finn de Bruin are two fun brothers, the kind of children who make you laugh from morning till evening, and who you want to film or take in picture all the time. Their mother Mother Kellie Smits is the designer and founder of the beautiful children’s lineBuisjes En Beugels +++.


The Boys say….

What do you want to be when you grow up Elvis : I don’t know – Djek : artist

What is your favorite famous personBoth : Fantastic mister Fox from the Roald Dahl book

What makes you laugh Elvis:  a naked belly  – Djek :  jokes

What makes you angry Djek : when someone hits me

Your favorite book Elvis : the big friendly Giant of Roald Dahl – Djek : Fantastic Mr Fox

Your favorite films Elvis : Dora the Explorer –  Djek : Narnia

Your favorite animal A hedgehog

A city that you would dream to visitElvis : London – Djek : Amsterdam

Who chooses your clothes in the morning Mum

Your favorite outfit Elvis : a kicokids singlet with a  brown BB+++ cardigan and bla…  bla (he really said)

The piece your like the most from your wardrobe Djek : a BangBang sweater with triangles on BB+++ trousers

The next item you would like to get Nothing!


Kellie says…

Your favorite children’s brands BB+++, Bang Bang, MarMar, Wovenplay, Kicokids

Your favorite children’s stores Little Fashion Gallery (Paris), Smallable (Paris)

Do you buy a lot online for your children Books at, but no clothes. The boys only wear our own label and guest labels…

What are the criteria you consider when you buy something for your children Creativity, beauty, challenge…

Items that are hard to find Nice swimwear, rain coats and shoes

Favorite pieces in your children’s wardrobeThe BB+++ overall Clouds & BB+++ jackets

Where are you going for the summer holidays We have a shelter tent on wheels and will travel South Europe. We don’t know yet to where. The weather will tell us! Perhaps South of France and North of Spain


BB+++, Kicokids, Little Fashion Gallery, Bang Bang, MarMar, Wovenplay, Smallable