Preserve the environment for future generations by educating through design.

What better than to use the platform you have to incorporate the pressing and urgent issue of climate change? Through their SS20 collection EFVVA’s designs aim to bring awareness of our collective responsibility to preserve the environment for future generations. The collection takes inspiration from the Japanese art of Origami illustrating the essence of this art form through folded pockets details. The ocean provides the focus for this prevention of climate change. Children are encouraged to challenge the ever growing pollution of the seas and the possible everlasting effects. EFVVA want kids to ‘Save The Whales’ and ‘Say No To Plastics’ for EFVVA this is is not the time to be passive – rather it is a time for both kids and parents to act.

The Japanese influences in their collection are fun and the graphics are cute but the message about the future is key… Preserve the environment for the future generations by educating through design.

EFVVA SS20 UNDERWATER ORIGAMI collection can be viewed next at Playtime, Tokyo (31 July – 2 August) and CHIC Shanghai (at the end of September). Available for wholesale orders now.


EFVVA educating through design SS20 collection

Editors Notes: Recently, I watched the documentary ‘Humpback Whale a Detective Story’. A part from it being an incredible story of a huge humpback whale landing on the documentary makers whilst in ‘breach’… it was the terrible sight of these majestic creatures painfully entangled in perilous fishing lines that left an impact on both myself and my 10 year old daughter.

Bringing awareness to the environmental impact we are having on the Oceans through design is active, when being passive is not an option.