Interview with Lisa Kotsianis - DockATot

Lisa Furuland Kotsianis founded DockATot in 2007 and with it a whole new product category was born.
Her passion for growing the business is supplanted only by the needs of her family.

What did you dream of being when you grew up?
Oh, the years of childhood and teens were spent dreaming of becoming a variety of things; dancer, pianist, cellist, private detective, architect…

Why did you want to start & own your own company?
It’s what I’ve always done and known. In business, the role of a business owner, CEO and creative director has always just ‘fit’ me. I am often guided by passion and even rebellious determination to achieve my goals. Even so, one must surround yourself with people who can bring things to the table that complements one’s own skill set. If I am the smartest person in the room I’m in the wrong room. Ultimately, I don’t think being a business owner or entrepreneur is so much a choice, but more of a prerequisite for some people.

Has being a woman in business resulted in specific challenges?
The most specific challenge I have had in business as a woman is the transverse between motherhood and the working world – much the same as all other working mothers. However, I know that the days when they are young won’t last forever, so I try to stay in the moment and be present with my now adolescent sons as much as possible. If they seem hungry for company, drop everything else!

" If they seem hungry for company, drop everything else!"

Lisa Furuland Kotsianis

Interview with Lisa Kotsianis - DockATot

What aspects of the business do you enjoy the most?
I’m a creative at heart and my head is a melting pot. Being the creative lead across several businesses is a true joy for me. I devour all things interesting – in fashion, industrial design, photography, art, interior design, architecture, graphic design, and nature. I am in the business of moods, atmospheres, human behaviour and emotion, and I am highly visually sensitive, which is handy when you are obsessed with visual storytelling.

DockATot has a really interesting trajectory and growth. When launching DockATot could you envisage where you would be with the company now?
When launching the Deluxe+ dock back in 2006 I knew that there would be global demand. What I don’t think I could have imagined at that point was what my first creation would lead to… DockATot (originally Sleepyhead in Europe) established a whole new product category that most parents could not envision living without. Furthermore, DockATot has become synonymous with fashion and function, regularly featuring in Vogue, Elle, Grazia, Maire Clare, House & Garden and People, and we have won so many awards, too.
We are just launching our collection with the ‘queen of fashion prints’ Mary Katrantzou, exclusively with Harrods. We are expanding on our 5-star hotel programme with a collaboration with The Four Seasons Hampshire. And there is a lot more being planned.

DockATot baby deluxe dock

" I knew we had made it big when our social media began growing so fast, with mums and celebrities recommending the product to one another. We have more than 1 million followers across DockATot social media platforms and it has truly become a household name."

Lisa Furuland Kotsianis

DockATot baby moses basket

Can you remember the moment you realised you had a viable business?
I knew we had made it big when our social media began growing so fast, with mums and celebrities recommending the product to one another. We have more than 1 million followers across DockATot social media platforms and it has truly become a household name. Aside from the numerous awards for innovation, functionality and design – the proudest I ever am, is when people share their personal success stories about how DockATot products have been a lifesaver, for a mother, for a couple, for an entire family. That’s a real joy.

Do you have a favourite achievement whilst running DockATot, and what do you want to realise in the future?
It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing, but being recognised in the architecture and design space with several Red Dot Design Awards, Good Design Awards and a Dezeen Awards has been quite something. It has separated DockATot from many others in the juvenile sector. We are taken seriously as a design brand rather than a juvenile brand only, and that accolade gave me approval to be a visionary, to colour outside the line and indulge in the divergent. In 2023, I launched Lalande Living, a design brand that ‘toes the fine line between art and design’, as the design press put it. I am also just about to launch DockAPet any day now. So I am excited to go places with those brands as well.