e-side for a green lifestyle

Based in the UK, e-side is a green concept store for sustainable furniture and eco- luxury gifts. It was launched in December 2010 by founder Alessia…

Little Red Rolling Squirrel

What new Little bean? The store founded by Christine Wisneau (creator of Small Magazine and  eponymous Little Bean children's label) has been…

Company Profile : Waanaki

Brand name : waanaki Website: www.waanaki.com Date of creation: April 2011 Country of origin : USA Name of owner : Nanette Sullano

Company Profile : MASH Junior

Brand name : MASH Junior - Company name : Acon S.p.A. Date of creation : 1974 Country of origin : Italy - Country of production : Italy Name of…

Children’s stores, LA

Although I spent a lot of time at Lost and Found in LA (see my post from last week), I also visited stores in West LA

Lost and Found, LA

If you ask around what is THE cool store to visit in LA, everyone will answer Lost and Found. The fame goes beyond California as founder

Hidden in Uruguay…

Alium Boutique  opened in Garzon (Uruguay) in 2008 by Carolyn Prevett (textile designer) and Mariano Piñeyrúa (industrial designer), founders of…

Kickcan & Conkers’ Little Shop of wonders

Deborah Beau started her blog Kickan & Conkers in 2009. Since then, she's been posting everyday (at least) about wonderful finds of all sorts :…

Remarkable start of the year for LFG

Little Fashion Gallery is celebrating its 5 years anniversary. The iconic children's wear e-store started with 19 brands (they have +200 today), and…

A day in Brussels

Sol, the e-store dedicated to tweens

Sol is  an online store dedicated to teenagers and young teens, created by Salomé Galib and operating from the US (Dumbo in Brooklyn, NYC). A great…