Creme Anglaise is famous for their wooden furniture like the Luna Crib and the decorative Guitar Cushions. The brand just started offering bespoke furniture for children’s rooms. Their first commissioned piece is a bed called STAR BED, made for a Corsican family and their newborn baby Anna-Maria. 

Anna-Maria was born just a few weeks ago and has started sleeping in the bed especially made for her. It must be wonderful for the parents to know they’ve conceived something special for their daughter, made with love and care by people they took time to meet and to discussed the project with. Let’s wish Anna-Maria will have the most peaceful dreams in her Star Bed.Creme Anglaise

 Inspired parents who want to order a special bespoke piece of furniture for their children can contact Emily Perez to discuss their project. How special

Creme Anglaise

Creme Anglaise was created in London in 2008 by Emilie Perez ( designer) and husband Jocelyn Costis (cabinet maker), just after they became parents of a little boy named Mael. The couple moved to Toulouse (South of France) in 2011, where their daughter Heidi was born. They continue creating and produce from there,  sending their products all over the world.

Creme Anglaise