Disney Pixar’s Onward ‘banned by 4 Middle East countries’ over gay reference

According to reports Pixar’s latest animation Onward has been banned by several Middle Eastern countries because of a reference to lesbian parents. The family film will not be shown in Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Police officer Specter, voiced by Lena Waithe, has been heralded as Disney-Pixar’s first openly gay character. Her lines include: “It’s not easy being a parent… my girlfriend’s daughter got me pulling my hair out, OK?”

According to Deadline, Russia censored the scene in question by changing the word “girlfriend” to “partner” and avoiding mentioning the gender of Specter, who is a supporting character.

Other Middle East countries like Bahrain, Lebanon and Egypt are showing the film.

Set in a suburban fantasy world, Onward is about two teenage elf brothers (voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland) who go on an adventure after their mum gives them special gifts from their deceased father, including a letter that can resurrect him for just one day.

Film Release: 6th March 2020