Cesar is a nice mix of fun and anxious. Marguerite (Daisy) is a real flower, opening only when confident. She’s fun and girly. Edouard Renevier their father is the Founder of Enjoymytribu.com, a website for sharing ideas.

Cesar and Marguerite

What is your big dream? Cesar : To fly – Marguerite : To have magical powers

Who is the strongest person in the world? Cesar & Marguerite : Dad

What do you want to be when you grow up? Cesar : Actor – Marguerite : She would love to fabric perfumes. She smells every single thing!

Are you scared of anything?  Cesar : Snakes because they are sticky – Marguerite : Chicken. She loves eating them but they are too dirty and frightening!

Your favourite films, books, apps? Cesar : Harry Potter – Marguerite : Dirty Dancing

The best holidays you ever had? Cesar & Marguerite : it was in California 2 years ago. We did the trip all around in a Camping Car. We still very often talk about it…

A place that you would dream to visit? Cesar : Rome for the antiquity – Marguerite : Belgium for their French fries!

Your favorite belonging ? Cesar & Marguerite : Jackson our funny cat

The next item you would so dearly love to get? César : my own computer… – Marguerite : a cellular phone…


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you? The Camden Town flea market  in London. It was more than thirty years ago. There were bagpipes and the place was really dirty and festive

The place you love near your home ? A small café named Irene and Bernard in the district of Batignolles. There is nice “toile de Jouy” wall paper and a popular atmosphere

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday Australia a country / continent in harmony with nature, with large spaces and the pleasure of being on an island

The film that you love to see with the whole family? La Grande Vadrouille, french movie with the famous actor Louis de Funès. So funny!…

The book on your bedside table ? Persepolis, the comics

The children’s brands your cherish ? Soeur, a brand for girls between 10 and 16 years old. My cousins own it.

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from ? A nice store next to the canal saint martin Paris : Pop market (Full of funny and pretty gadgets) – the best Cup Cakes in the World are in New York : Magnolia Bakery is a cult address located at the corner of Bleecker Street, in the pleasant neighbourhood of Greenwich Village.

What do you buy online?  Tickets and books of course. My wife loves stoneparis.com.  And also the delicious scented candle that you can buy on candlemarket.com

The online destinations that inspire you ? The Vitrine, a U.S. website for artists and designers. The City Sage,  blog full of good taste.  Zoobettle a new very website where you can find nice items from the whole world.

The product that changed your life ? My wedding ring

What are your main current concerns ? My country : France is becoming more and more sad everyday …

Do you have a big dream and if so what is it? Stop working at age of 45 and go around the world with my wife and my children… I’m working on it! ;-)

If you could reincarnate in another person, who would that be? Laird Hammilton, the surf champion. He’s half-man half-fish…

Click here to see Edouard Renevier’s ideas on Enjoymytribu.

Click here to see Laetitia Renevier’s Ideas on Enjoymytribu.