“Emily has a little brother Jojo and they couldn’t be more different from one another. It’s so hard to describe your kids without sounding like a gushy fool so I’ll keep it short. Emily likes to talk. Jojo doesn’t “.This short presentation by James Huggins made me laugh. Fathers often go straight to the point when describing their children’s characters. James is the MD of Made in Me, a London creative studio that makes digital games, apps, books and toys for children. Only fun stuff!


Someone you admire?  My daddy – the clown. Because I’m cheeky and he calls my mummy cheeky names. I like cuddling him. He helps people by going to made in me and makes games for everyone.

What is your big dream? Having more friends in school

Are you scared of anything? Creepy noises in the night because I think they are bats and bats freak me out

Your favourite films and books Film – ‘Alice in Wonderland’ / Book – ‘Whatever’

Something you did recently that you really loved  Bristol Zoo because I love animals. I loved seeing the fruit bats as they were upside down.

The best holidays you ever had France and Scotland as that’s where my grannies live. Nonna and Ali. I love to see my cousins and to play with Ali’s dog Nell.

A place that you would dream to visit A fairy city because I like fairies.

The piece your like the most from your wardrobe My grey dress with the flowers because it frills out when I spin around.

The next item you would so dearly love to get A soft toy polar bear – I love soft toys and polar bears have cute faces.

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? Play games with my friends and turn them all into frogs, then at the end of playtime I’d turn them all into lovely princesses.


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you? When I was between the age of 3 and 7 we lived in New England and I remember it as an idyllic time. There was loads of space to roam and explore, in particular a place called Steep Rock. A large river ran through the area and there were various gorges and swimming holes where you could swim and take picnics. It was called steep rock because, unsurprisingly there were lots of cliffs but the largest had a small clearing at the top where you could see for miles and miles. At the very top there was a small plaque laid into the rocks, which had been erected in memory of a boy called Robert Frost. There was no more information about who he was or why his name was there. I remember sitting there endlessly speculating about what might have happened to him. As kids do we favoured the darker explanations that involved him falling to his death and haunting the woods nearby. I remember it so well, not because I was scared, but because it was a beautiful, magic place where we used to invent stories and play them out. It was the best kind of playground, the ultimate canvas for our imagination and creativity. It wasn’t just the place but also it’s such a brilliant age and a time that has such a massive impact on you.

The place you love near your home There’s a small wood near us that we’ve named Bramble Wood. We go there most weekends with the kids and hang out, play games and generally lark about. It really is quite small but dense, so that when you’re inside you feel completely isolated form the world outside. I think I’m starting to see a recurring theme in my responses!

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday? Somewhere with beaches. Not the tropical kind, the wild kind.

A film that you saw recently and that staid with you? Warrior. It’s a bit cheesy I know, but despite being tragic and violent is essentially about family.

The film that you love to see with the whole family? My Neighbour Totoro

The book on your bedside table A collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman

The children’s brands your cherish Ladybird, Lego and Disney pretty much had me covered.

What do you buy online?  As a family we buy stuff online but when it comes to e-commerce I definitely do most damage on iTunes. We have Apple TV instead of terrestrial, cable or DVD and it’s just far too easy to rent and buy stuff when you the mood takes you. I’m a sucker as well so the kids know how to smile sweetly and ask for ‘just one more’ episode of Samurai Jack. What do you expect me to do? It’s Samurai Jack!

A website that inspires you www.myfonts.com – Yes I know. It’s terribly terribly sad. But I love it.

Favourite pieces in your child’s wardrobe Emily’s got this insane furry white waistcoat. Like something Cruella De Ville from 101 Dalmatians would wear. This weekend she had it on and her little brother Joe was dressed as Superman. They were sat chatting to each other quite happily. I told them it was always nice to see heroes and villains bury the hatchet. They agreed.