A sensitive soul and an animal rescuer of the world.. “if I were big enough mummy, I would give the fisherman who catch and kill all the small fish a big smack!”.  Bev Luckings his mother is a talented Pan-European PR and wanna be Vertical Gardener  (soon this will become reality!).


What do you want to be when you grow up A Mummy And A Pilot Of Plane

Someone you admire? Mummy

What is your big dream? To Become A Dragon

Are you scared of anything? Nothing

What makes you laugh My Teacher Maestro Federico

Your favourite films and books Ben 10, Captain America, My Book On Insects- Insetti. (Encyclopedia )  by E. Mugellini

Something you did recently that you really loved My first swim again in the sea this year and the swimming pool

The best holidays you ever had When I went to Seaworld in England and touched the star fish and at Oltre Mare in Riccione in Italy when I touched the ray fish

A place that you would dream to visit  Disney Land. Because I have never been and I want to see all the rides and people

Your favorite belonging My Ben 10 characters and my soft bunny that i sleep with

The next item you would so dearly love to get Cannon Ball

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? I would become tall and go to the Acquafan park


A place you saw when you were a child, and that made its mark on you ? Brighton, in the summer of 1976 when there was a heat wave and ladybirds covered all the green grass areas, where I wanted to play mini golf

The place you love near your home  Monte Conero –  the most amazing costal views in the  largest of Italy’s national parks

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday  Tokyo and Palermo

A film that you saw recently and that staid with you? The Tree of Life and The Intouchables

The film that you love to see with the whole family?   Fantasia

The book on your bedside table  Un indovino mi disse – Tiziano Terzani

The children’s brands your cherish fioririghepois.blogspot.com,  Small Paul Frank,   H&M,  APC kids

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from fioririghepois.blogspot.com/  in Italy, Petit Bateau,  http://www.littlefashiongallery.com

Last thing you bought for Jesse A wooden fort with wooden knights, a king and a queen!

Favourite pieces in Jesse’ wardrobe Small Paul dickie bow tie t shirt

What do you buy online? Toys from amazon, http://www.gltc.co.uk/  topshop.com  bamarang.it  etsy.com

A website that inspires you    www.verticalgardenpatrickblanc.com/   tumblr.com – an amazing source of inspiring images that lead to other magical roads of inspiration

Something that made you laugh out loudly recently?  The infamous http://youtu.be/06S24aOqd6Q advert, which seems to have inspired my son’s hamster, who at night goes to great extremes in his cage