Lulu and Hattie live with their parents Katie & Richard Kendrick beside a sandy surfers bay in the Scottish Borders. Lulu is a kind and generous girl with a wise head on her shoulders. The midwife said “this one’s been here before”. There have been many occasions when this is easily to believe. She possesses fantastic method acting skills, perfect comedy timing and is a most tolerant big sister. She’s also a lego fanatic.

Hattie was meant for the stage, she’s a bit crazy and exceedingly funny and never stops moving, talking and singing. She is the first in every queue, the first up to the table for dessert but always last to get dressed or brush her teeth. She loves big, cares big and has a big voice though she’s only small.

Lulu 8 years

Lulu - 8 years old

Your first memory? Emmm hmmm oh gosh, I don’t know.

The person that you admire the most? You mummy, because you are funny !

What is your big dream? To be a good surfer.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A chef, because you get to wear a big puffy hat and work in a kitchen and I like cooking.

What is the best thing about life? Spending time with my family.

Your favourite books and films ? The Guinness book of world records and Star Wars

Something you did recently that you enjoyed? The Loony dook because it was really fun! (loony dook – a scottish tradition of jumping in the freezing sea on New Year’s day)

What is especially precious about your mom? She’s got big curly hair and she makes me laugh.

What would you do if you had a magic wand? Make my sister be quiet !

Favourite hobby ? Surfing or guitar

Silliest thing your sister has ever said ? that she is older than me !

Favourite song ? James Arthur: Say you won’t let go

Hattie (4 ½ years)

Hattie- 4 1/2 puppy love - holiday pic


Your first memory? hmmmm…being a baby

The person that you admire the most? Grace, is my best best best friend because me and Grace are best best best friends for ever and ever…

What is your big dream? To have a sleep over with Grace.

What do you want to be when you grow up? a Super hero !

What is the best thing about life? being alive !!!!

Your favourite books and films ? Princess and the pea. The book of life.

Something you did recently that you enjoyed? Hugging mummy the most.

A place you dream to visit, or an adventure you dream to be part of? Driving a car.

What is especially precious about your mom? because she is beautiful and has big curly hair.

What would you do if you had a magic wand? …I would say abracadabra and make you into frog ! ( falls backwards rolling around with laughter)

Favourite song? Creep by Diego Luna & Gustavo Santaolalla (from The book of Life)

What pet would you like. A puppy

Mom (Katie)

Richard and Katie photo by Lulu

photo by Lulu. 

What type of mom are you? I’d like to think I’m a good mum. I thought I’d got the whole thing sussed, Lulu was a really easy child, whilst Hattie likes to challenge everything. I soon realised each child is so individual despite the same ingredients, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love how different they both are, but what really makes me happy is how much they love each other. Quite often you walk into the room to find them having a cuddle on the sofa.
I’m also the mum that makes it to school pick up just in the nick of time, compensating with an overly large smile and a huge hug. I try to listen and talk but I’m also strict when required. For me a mom is there to help, enrich, protect and guide.

The good habit that helps you as a mom? To divert a conversation. Maybe not a habit but a skill I’m very happy to have acquired. Sometimes you just know when they are focusing on something frustrating or tiredness has kicked in. To avoid a complete melt down I have learnt to change the subject or ask a question. Most times it works diversion is a wonderful technique. Note: This tip can be also be applied to adults if required.

The good cop bad cop routine. My husband Richard and I are very good at this. Thankfully we alternate roles he’s good cop and sometimes I’m bad or visa versa. I would hate to be the bad cop the whole time.

The place you love near your home, that you visit with the whole family? We are very lucky to live beside a beautiful surfing beach in Scotland. We spend time on the beach all year round it’s beautiful in the winter and a fantastic playground in the Summer. I would find it difficult not to live beside the sea now.

A film that you saw recently and that stayed with you? Over the Christmas we all watched ET together, it didn’t disappoint. Our eldest is almost the same age as when I watched it for the first time so it was lovely to see her reaction and how it echoed my own.

The book on your bedside table ? We really like to cook in our family. Lulu got Nadiya Hussain new cookbook “Nadiya’s kitchen” for Christmas from Santa. Lulu and I are huge fans, she’s such a fantastic role model on so many levels. The recipes are very simple, tasty and great to cook with children.

What’s your approach to buying clothes for your children? Both children like completely different styles. Lulu is very street and prefers unisex loose clothing, Hattie on the other hand  loves to put on beautiful dresses. Both love shopping as they love clothes, particularly if they get to choose.

Any brands or stores your cherish? Stella McCartney Kids & Oeuf for their playful humour. Can I say LULUZULU or is it a shameless plug ;-)
Merci is just around the corner from my great aunts place in Paris. I love Merci, when in town I always pay a visit.

Last items you added to your child’s wardrobe ? Boden leopard print chelsea boots for Lulu.

The websites that inspires you ?

What is your favourite Sunday made of? In the Summer: A day on the beach together playing in the sea, sending Lu off on her surf board to catch a wave. Richard and Hattie playing on the beach. Richard’s chicken pie still warm, complete with light dusting of sand.

In the winter: A walk with no planned destination. The fire burning & music on. Lu prepares the starter, Richard makes the main whilst Hattie produces her signature fruit salad. Then a film all together.

Your main piece of advice to your children? …be kind to others, don’t take yourself too seriously… everyone is human, and don’t be frightened of failing.

Lulu and Hattie - love