Singer Ambrosia Parsley is not a big fan of cameras. “More Garbo than Gaga”, she says. So we feel very lucky that she allowed photographer Zoe Adlersberg to take photos of intimate moments of her with her son Lucius, just for Pirouette. Fans of Ambrosia’s deep velvety voice (and famous song “Goodnight Moon”), here’s an interview of her with beautiful photos, by Zoe.

Memories of moments or situations you loved with your child
I used to record him singing in the bathtub when he was smaller. He wouldn’t appreciate that these days, but back then I’m pretty sure he didn’t mind. Anyway, I stumbled upon a few old recordings in my voice memo’s the other day and it nearly took my breath away.

Favorite New York places

Well, we do have our Central Park Ritual. I think it’s good to have one of those, right? First, we launch a boat at the pond, then we  celebrate by climbing The Alice. After that, we get an ice cream and eat it over by the Hans statue. It’s like a prayer. We do this twice a year, unless we do it three times. It makes most things all better.

The  favorite family movie to see again and again 
We might have watched Guardians of the Galaxy six or ten times this winter. Yep.

Your son is… 
My son better be nice and pick up his dishes. He also has a beautiful heart, occasionally fantastic manners and is very, very funny.

A big dream (or a big plan or a big project…)
You know I’m way too superstitious to answer that question.

The internet to our family is
We love it, too much and are thinking it might be time to break up.

Best album to listen to as a family?
Lucius has been on DJ duty lately. We’ve been enjoying extraordinary amounts or Weird Al. Also, I’m happy to report, lots of Chuck Berry and Elvis too.

Your best/worst mothering moment? 
Ha! I can’t keep track, it all goes too fast. I’m both elated and terribly disappointed with myself at least dozen times a day. I try and make sure there are cookies…

How do you balance motherhood and work?
I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now.

Where do you find inspiration?
Usually about twenty eight seconds into the very last minute.

A memory/image from your childhood 
I had Aqua Man Underoos and very buck teeth.


Ambrosia lives in NYC with her husband and eight year old son, Lucius. She has released 4 studio albums with group Shivaree. Their 1999 debut I Oughtta Give You A Shot In The Head For Making Me Live In This Dump sold 400,000 copies worldwide (the single “Goodnight Moon” topped the Italian pop charts for seven weeks, played under the closing credits of “Kill Bill 2” and appeared in Silver Linings Playbook). She wrote and sang “Ambrosia Sings the News” for Air America Radio and in supporting roles has appeared with Hal Wilner and Laurie Anderson. Parsley’s past dozen years have been largely hidden from view, more Garbo than Gaga. Parsley says.. “I don’t like having my picture taken, I don’t like making videos, it makes my stomach hurt,” she says. “It’s just how I am; it’s animal. I honestly wish I had been born in another time.” So we should feel lucky that she has allowed photographer Zoe Adlersberg such intimate moments for Pirouette. Her solo albumn, Weeping Cherry, will be released in the US this spring.