Zach is 8, about to turn 9 on May 31st. He is passionate about fencing, horse riding, music, animals, birds and nature. He loves the family dog Fritzi, and tries to encourage her to curl up with him at night on his bed. Rachel Boser worked for 8 years at Conde Nast in a variety of publications but most noticeable as deputy retail editor of Tatler and art editor of Vanity Fair.  She has also worked alongside fellow journalist Helen Kirwan Taylor on a variety of articles, including Helen’s Home Interior Book Home UK.


What do you want to be when you grow up A physicist or an adventurer

What is your favourite famous person Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

What makes you laugh My friends, watching movies and jokes

What makes you angry When my sister breaks one of my favourite toys

Your favourite book “The Hobbit” by Tolkein

Your favourite films “Toothfairy”

The best holidays you ever had Chincoteague, Virginia, USA.  I went two years ago, It’s got wild ponies and is situated on a beach. I spent my days swimming

A place that you would dream to visit Pompeii

Your favorite outfit My Gap Let’s Rock T-shirt

The next item you would be happy to get A Stampede Nerf Gun

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now Stop over fishing of the oceans and encourage wildlife conservation


Your favourite children’s brands Zara does wonderful baby and toddler clothes that are different and stylish. Otherwise it’s Gap and for a special occasion I buy an outfit from Caramel Baby&Child

Do you buy a lot online for your children ? I buy a lot of craft products on-line for the children from glue to glove puppets.  Current favourite is

A website that inspires you Yarn porn…am I allowed to say that?  I love knitting, sewing and all that goes with it.  So to secretly indulge my passion I log onto Revelry for inspiration and Loop for beautiful yarns

The criteria you consider when you buy something for your children Will it last? With three children, I like clothes that can be handed down.  Which reminds me, what’s up with jeans now a days? The knees always rip in Zach’s jeans within 3 weeks

Last item you added to your child’s wardrobe Trainers. Zach’s feet are now the same size as mine, which I find unnerving

Most precious item you bought for a child Robert “Mouseman” Thomson book ends, which I bought at the saleroom.  Although it will probably be used to prop up the collection of Ipads rather than books

Best gift you gave for a child’s B-day A kite

Items that are hard to find I feel there is a high street conspiracy against me when it comes to purchasing children’s underwear.  There is always a vast selection in a range of various styles and colours for every age group except for the age I’m looking for.  It’s been going on for over eight years now, so I think my feelings are justified

Favourite pieces in Zach’s wardrobe A pork pie hat given to Zach by his American aunt.  It makes Zach look rather rakish

The book on your bedside table “Black Diamond” by Catherine Bailey.  A biography about the demise of the immensely wealthy, dysfunctional, aristocratic Fitzwilliam family.  This really is a case of fact being stranger than fiction

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to Botswana, Macatoo horse-back riding safari.  Nothing beats galloping with giraffe or kudu, spotting a leopard or being serenaded each night by a chorus of Bell frogs. Magical!

The ideal place for a family summer holiday We love the British beach experience and head for the South Hams in Devon with bucket and spade in hand, and a vast array of clothes to cover all weather possibilities (much larger than any suitcase  we would pack to go abroad). There is something incredibly beautiful about the shoreline, with fields going right to the edge of the cliffs.  The children also love the range of activities from crabbing at the harbour to kayaking down the estuary. Great fun!