Co-founder and designer of blabla kids, Florence Wetterwald is French (living in the US), mother of Isabella,15 and Tom, 13.  She studied art and design in Paris and Florence, Italy, finishing her degree at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. She comes from a family of designers : her mother designed sweaters in Paris, which maybe explains her affinity for knitted things and contemporary design. Growing up with her grandparents in an old chateau in Bordeaux, Florence carries with her a nostalgia from the past. It is this unexpected and colorful mixture that brought her where she is today, designing contemporary products which already feel like old friends.

“It started in 2001, in Atlanta. The children were small, we had been traveling a lot between America and Europe, it was time to settle somewhere. Susan, a long time friend (we studied together at Georgia Tech), convinced us that we should come visit her in Atlanta, so we did and never left…Susan and I had always shared the same sense of humor and adventure, we look at life and colors the same way, it seemed obvious that at one point or another we would create something together. A trip to Peru and the discovery of a village of knitters were the sparkle, we have been working since then with the same artisans”.

Florence Wetterwald

How would you describe your personal style Free

Your favorite bedtime reading with the kids The stories that we used to invent on the spot and in the dark

Your favorite movie to watch with the whole family Les vacances de Mr Hulot by Jacques Tati

Last item added to your child’s wardrobe An oversized bow tie

The book on your bedside table Words Fail Me by Teresa Monachino because it makes me smile, every time I open it. I love words, and being French in America makes me look at languages with a distance that she has totally captured. Her witty approach to English is “invaluable which means valuable”…

The music in your ipod Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zero

Favorite stores Newspaper and  grocery boat-stores on Cambodian rivers

Favorite museum/art gallery The streets

Your favorite place for family holidays Le Cap Ferret

What do you prize most in life Laughter

What inspires you at the moment The 70’s for their innocent boldness, the 20’s for their mischievous shimmering

Your perfect Sunday On the water

Your favorite website related to children atelierpourenfants, wovenplay

Your favorite magazines related to children Okido, Milk, Smallmagazine