Helene Borderie is the founder and manager of Noeuf.com, an online baby concept store for children up to 4 years old. The store was created two years ago, after the birth of her first child, Lalo. She lives in Paris and worked in the fashion and luxury industry for 10 years in France and in the US before deciding that it was time to create her own thing.How long have you been in the children’s industry? Three years

When did you start your business ? The blog started 3 years ago and the boutique 2 years ago

What brands do you carry at Noeuf.com? Around 50 brands. Amongst them : Bobo Choses, Dis Une Couleur, Surface to Air Kids, Mini Rodini, Le Toit de la Lune, Oeuf NYC, Kids on Roof, Bla Bla, Vilac, Plan Toys…Everything you can desire for your baby up to 4 years old. It is fairly big now with 50 brands and we are opening a showroom for Parisian customers in November in the Marais

What children’s trade shows do you visit? Playtime, Maison et Objet…but I mostly get to visit designers showrooms

What would you say about the general economical climate in your country/area? The economical and context in France is really tensed. Overall the children’s industry did suffer less than other sectors. However, we focus on strong brands, even if they are newcomers, that have a real new eye for design and creation and are quality and price conscious

What inspires you at the moment? Knitting, maybe is it because I am 7 months pregnant…

Do you focus on/ follow a particular trend? I don’t really follow a specific trend, I buy what I believe in, what inspires me, what amazes me

What are your favorite cities in the world and why? Paris, where I was born and now live is my favorite city.I loved living in San Francisco, where I got a great quality of living and New-York where I spent two hectic but wonderful years with lots of working and partying!

Have you seen interesting/new children’s stores that you liked recently? I had a trip to Antwerpen where I visited some great kids stores like De grune Volk and De kleine Volk. I also loved Couverture in London, it is a great concept store for women and kids as well

An online destination that inspires you? Nordinary.fr is a geat source for nordic fashion with a fresh eye and a great selection of pyjamas. I buy tons of them for Lalo

A magazine that you find interesting? LMNOP is great, fresh and very creative

The cool places  in the town where you live? I love brunching or having a tea with the kids at the Mama Shelter, they have a refined buffet of gourmet food and the comfy couch is perfect to watch the Tex Avery cartoons with the kids…Also in my neigborod, Les 400 Coups is a great café for parents and kids. They can play and read freely while you spend a relaxing time and actually manage to have a real lunch!

How would you dress if you were a 8 years old girl ? It would definitely be colorful and comfy. The great sweat-shirt dresses from Bobo Choses, Mini Rodini rompers and kitten T-Shirts…lots of prints and knitts

Thanks you Helene and good luck with the pregnancy!