Finally…an online store dedicated to boy’s clothing and accessories. I know a few moms who will be delighted with the info. Hayley and Cameron Barker are telling us a bit more about Culdesac from in Alpine, Utah where they are based.


How long have you been in the children’s industry?
Unofficially it has felt like we’ve been in it since our baby was born. But it wasn’t till February of this year that Cameron and I worked together to make our own childrens iphone app “Valentine Zoo”.  And it was shortly after that when we started thinking about making boys clothing.

When did you start your business?
Culdesac was launched on October 31st 2011

Tell us more about how it all started and what makes Culdesac different
When shopping online in the past we noticed a lot of sites that are poorly designed and have a bit of a jumbled buying system. So we knew when we started we wanted to create something clean, simple, and easy to use. I think we were successful at that goal, also we include free shipping and easy returns to make our shopping experience even more friendly and carefree.
And we knew from the beginning that we only wanted to start with boys clothing. Having one little boy ourselves we know from experience how lopsided the selection boys have compared to girls in clothing and we wanted to help change that. We love designing unique pieces within the restrains of boys wear and plan to stick to the boys department for good while.

What children’s trade shows do you visit?
We have not been to any trade shows yet but are looking into participating in Playtime New York this coming March. We love how intimate it seems to feel and have seen that a lot of brands we love go to it which is a good sign.

How is the business doing compared to what you expected before the launch?
I would say our expectations were definitely exceeded.  The traffic numbers and great feedback so quickly has been more than what we thought which was a great suprise.  It’s nice to get that kind of positive affirmation on something you’ve worked really hard on and really believe in.

What is your favorite children’s store in your own city? and favorite stores anywhere in the world?
My old favorite that is sadly not around anymore was a toy store in Salt Lake called Gregorys, it was located in a basement and had a slide going down into it for kids that was so fun.
Currently I love a little store called Childrens Hour. And as for favorite stores in general thats a tough question. But I would say at the top of my list is the MOMA store, Muji, and Pearl River Market in NYC.  But really I could go on and on, I love window shopping at all kinds of stores.

Your favorite e-stores for kids?
I love and also the hunt of finding special, hand made things on etsy.

A movie you recently saw and that stayed with you?
I’m a little late on this but just recently watch Bill Cunninghams New York and loved it.  Not only was it a great story about this amazingly kind and geniune man.  But how influencial and important his documentation of the fashion industry is undeniable.  I loved listening to his view on it all.

Your favorite movie to watch with the whole family?
Ender just started watching full length movies and has been obsessed with Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, he calls it funny movie. We are glad about the selection because it’s one that Cameron and I enjoy watching too.

The book on your bedside table; what you like about it?
Right now I am reading Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I am enjoying it but so far not as much as I liked the first book.  I am excited for the movies to come out, the trailers are looking great.

What inspires or motivates you at the moment, and what is striking you/shocking you? Anything about the world that you want to react on?
Ever since being young I have been inspired by making things with your hands.  And that is still continuing.  Doing this line I have loved learning about different tailoring techniques, how to knit sweaters, how you make a tie.  I enjoy being in a constant state of learning, whether it’s a brand new craft or just a better way of doing something I already now.  It really is motivating, keeps me growing and my ideas turning.