Cécile Renaud and Julie Garcia founded their e-store My Little Square in 2011.  A shopping place Pirouette has added to its favourites, for its clean look and wide selection of product categories that includes clothing, furniture, games& toys but also a little sawing section.

Cecile and Julie,  what were you doing before launching My Little Square?

I was a fashion Press Attache/PR. I met Cécile at a children style agency where I was doing occasional free lance work.  We worked side by side for 4 years until we both became mothers. That’s when My Little Square came up as an evidence.

When did you launch exactly?

My Little Square fêtera will celebrate 3 years in Spring 2014.

With how many brands do you work?

We carry over 150 brands, a mix of clothing, decor, toys. Our selection is very international. We offer the must-have in children’s fashion and we have a sweet spot for young, new designers. We have the privilege to be a suitable place for the launch of new labels and that aspect of the business is dear to us : presenting un-known and very unique products to the public.

What is the age group that sells the best at My Little Square?

2-6 y are ! And I find it pleasant to work within this age group. At that age kids are curious, spontaneous, full of energy. Nothing surprising, as it’s a good summary of what My Little Square is about.

The 3 leading brands in your selection?

Bobo Choses for sure, the sneakers 10is and Emile et Ida

Your best moment right after the launch?

Seeing order come from all over the world. But our memorable moment was the first order we received form New York.

The young brand that you would highly recommend to keep an eye on?

Kids on the moon, a great young brand from Poland. We have the exclusivity for France.

Your personal best-of this season?


Pirouette’s product selection

Dress by Gro - My Little Square
My daughter loves her  80’S Sheath Dress  (Gro / Sprout by Gro), that she can wear as a dress or as a long tee-shirt over jeans – £46.00
More products we found attractive :

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Lots of prints for girls!  1. Je suis en CP – 2. Emile et Ida – 3. Bobo Choses – 4. Cocotruc

My Little Square Boys Selection by Pirouette

Animals and bold colours for boys. 1. Anive for the Minors – 2. Troizenfants – 3. Dandy Star – 4. Bobo Choses

My Little Square - Pirouette Home decor selection

Fun Home decor. 1. Lilipinso 2. Coccoli Home  3. Mimi’Lou
My Little Square