Milan, 10 years old – Los Angeles, USA

Milan is a bit of a dream son for a mom : into sports (football and surf)  but also very interested by the arts, creative (he makes amazing drawings), fashion savvy (he has a very precise idea of what he likes and how to wear things) and last but not least, very protective with…

Gaspard 5 and half & Pauline 4 years old – Burgundy, France

Gaspard is naturalist; he loves insects, bones, leaves, feathers. He has a “cabinet of curiosities” full of bones that he found by digging in his garden. Pauline is in love with horses; she goes to the Poney-Club every wee That leaves a little time to Anne S. their mother to…

Merci Merci!


Interview of Teo Boutique’s owner Roberta – Milan, Italy

TheoRoberta_3.jpg I met Roberta in Paris quite…