Gaspard is naturalist; he loves insects, bones, leaves, feathers. He has a “cabinet of curiosities” full of bones that he found by digging in his garden. Pauline is in love with horses; she goes to the Poney-Club every wee That leaves a little time to Anne S. their mother to work on her wonderful blog estaminetcoquet.

Gaspard and Pauline

What do you want to be when you grow up Gaspard Animal rescuer Pauline Take care of horses

What is your favorite famous person Gaspard My teacherPauline Raphaël (her 4 years old boy friend!)

What makes you laugh Gaspard Things that make me laugh! Pauline My brother!

What makes you sad Gaspard My work, if it’s not well done Pauline When dad leaves (for work…)

Your favorite book Gaspard “Le livre de l’automne” (Rotraut Susanne Berner) Pauline “Tamina cet été là” (Hélène Muller)

Your favorite films Gaspard Cars Pauline Horse Show

Your favorite animal Gaspard Deer, rabbit and squirrel Pauline Horses!

The best holidays you ever had Gaspard When we went to New-York. We ate Jelly Beans Pauline In Nice, playing with my cousins

Who chooses your clothes in the morning Gaspard Mum Pauline It’s me!

Your favorite color Gaspard Turquoise Pauline Pink

Your favorite outfit Gaspard I don’t know Pauline Dresses & skirts

What is the piece your like the most from your wardrobe Gaspard I don’t know Pauline All my dresses

The next item you would like to get Gaspard All the “cars” from Flash Pauline Horses Playmobil


Your favorite children’s brands Bonpoint, Alice à Paris, La princesse au petit pois, Bonton

Your favorite children’s stores Bonpoint rue de Tournon, in Paris, is the one and only!

What do you buy online for your children In my village, there is no book store, so I buy mainly on Amazon. My last very favorite book for child : “Il n’est jamais trop tard”, from Giovanna Zoboli, and illustrated by Camilla Engman. I only buy clothes in Paris, where I often go

A website that inspires you The amazing “divan fumoir bohémien“, it is interesting, eclectic, surprising

The criteria you consider when you buy something for your children Esthetic, esthetic and esthetic!

Last item you added to your child’s wardrobe For Gaspard : a down jacket, and for Pauline, a long vest bought in the Bonpoint outlet in Paris

Most precious item you bought for your children A house in the countryside ! This answer is almost serious because we would never have thought of leaving Paris, if we had not had children

Best gift you gave for a child’s B-day “Where is everybody”, a book from Remy Charlip. I have offered this book to every child that I know ! It is a treasure

Items that are hard to find Beautiful clothes with low price!

Favorite pieces in your children’s wardrobe For Gaspard, a pyjama from “Malou”. For Pauline, her linen dress from “La princesse au petit pois”

The book on your bedside table There are many books on my bedside table, but there is always a book relative to Sigmund Freud. Actually : “Correspondence 1873-1939” – Sigmund Freud. I have read so many books about him, because I am fascinated by his life. I went to Vienna and London to the museums that are devoted to Freud

Where are you going for the summer holidays It is difficult for us to go on holiday in summer because our family and friends come in our house in the countryside!


Bonpoint, Alice à Paris, La princesse au petit pois, Bonton, Maloup