Picks of the week (n.4)


The fall stories of La Princesse au petit pois

Some people are good at summer collections, some better at winter's. Alexandra Darcissac is good at both. But Alexandra is good at many things : at choosing fabrics that are not too sophisticated nor too rough, at using just the right amount of colour, at keeping things simple…

At play in Provence

Pictures taken at La Bastide de Richeaume, a lovely B&B with tons of charm at very friendly price. Breakfast is served in the garden under a tree, with homemade jams, fruits, delicious bread and viennoiseries. Highly recommended!

Christmas window

59999231.jpg   Bravo to Alexandra from La Princesse au…

Gaspard 5 and half & Pauline 4 years old – Burgundy, France

Gaspard is naturalist; he loves insects, bones, leaves, feathers. He has a “cabinet of curiosities” full of bones that he found by digging in his garden. Pauline is in love with horses; she goes to the Poney-Club every wee That leaves a little time to Anne S. their mother to…