Fall in Boots

I don't know for you, but here in London it's boots time already! Here's a selection from Kidsen, Clotaire and Elias & Grace.

eulalie plage

Eulalie, 4.5 years old – Paris, France

Eulalie is a cute as her name, and as blod as the summer sun - Marine her mother is the founder of e-store Little Factory.

Pirouette is back

. Back! Happy 2011...Just…

Bianca, 13, Asia 10 & Lily 4 years old – Brussels, Belgium

Between Asia the phography and books lover, Bianca so fond of her friends, Lily who sweetly calls her mom "ma princesse d'amour", and her children's store Caramel, Ludovica hasn't time for boredom.

Jasmine Viesulas, 5 years old, UK

Jasmine was born in New York and moved to London a year ago. She has a younger sister and an older brother. Her dad Romas  takes a keen interest in raising his kids in a cosmopolitan way, making them aware of the finer things in life.