The owners of Lila & Tom Agency, Kathleen and Jan live in Barcelona with their children Tom (almost 5) and Lila (7). There is something absolutely quaint about

their home, a sort of old times charm, quite unique. The apartment and Lila&Tom’s’s office are located in the same building (just 20 stairs from each other), in a quiet and very green part of town, perfect for family living. The South-exposed windows overlook a beautiful garden of palm trees. The lush bougainvillea on the balcony is in blossom all year long.
On weekends, when not at the beach where they go all year long, Kathleen, Jan and their children like to visit the Cosmo Caixa (Museum of Science), a short walk from their flat. When it comes to eating out, the family appreciates the diversity of food and ambiances they can find in Barcelona. Among their favourites are Atmosphere and Kibuka in Gracia, Gado Gado (Indo-Thai) and the Lobo bar in the Raval.

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