Dagmar Daley SS15 by Elena Kost

Dagmar Daley  worked in architecture and design before starting her line of kids clothing. Her stylish, simply detailed pieces are inspired by the pure and natural beauty of children and their imagery of childhood. The collections feature timeless designs, quality fabrics and…

Sunday video : you can learn anything

We still have to fight against genetic determinism and the old newtonian belief that we are controlled by our genes, that we are born with an unalterable genetic inheritance. The truth is that can really become what we want to be, we can learn anything, as shown in this video by…

Maison&Objet : don’t miss…

Chispum,, Sweetcase, Anatology, Sirch, Smiling Planet are among the brands not to miss at Maison&Objet. The home trade show will open its doors on September 5 in Paris. Thousands of exhibitors, and 305 children's brands who will present toys, furniture, textile, home…

Early Puberty Epidemic

There is a focus around health theses days on Pirouette, which reflects a rather sad reality : we live in a world that has become very toxic. I hope it helps raising awareness, to grow robust kids. The world will need all their intelligence and strength to invent new ways of…

Protection Against Cell Phones

We all know, or at least we have the intuition, that  electromagnetic waves and fields (EMFs) have an effect on our health. UK studies have just shown that cell phone use in children and teens translates into 5 times greater increase in brain cancer.  Here's about how to protect…

Paper marvels : Zim & Zou

The wonderful universe of  Zim & Zou is made of paper sculptures, installations, illustrations and more. No computer for this French duo composed by Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann as they prefer to create real objects using paper or other tangible materials.

Meet Rachel Parent , 13 y old Food Activist

Kids Right To KnowKids Right to Know  was founded…

Interview with Ian Reynolds, C.E.O of Pale Cloud

Three years after it was launched by designer Marion Reynolds, Pale Cloud is one of the most respected and acclaimed label in children's high end fashion, sharing the racks of the finest department stores and boutiques worldwide, side by side with top luxury brands. Interview…

Sunday Video : keeping contact with earth

When we were kids we were going barefoot a lot, at least I was, during the 2 months of summer holidays. A good habit to keep... Take a look at this short animated video to understand what's behind the concept of earthing. Off the shoes, and for your good health, don't hesitate…

Interview with Kidsen owner Corina Popadopulou

Corina Popadopulou, founder of award winning children’s store Kidsen in talk about her London boutique, e-store and happy life just outside Stockholm, with her husband and 2 girls.

Cabbages & Kings FW ’14

Cabbages & Kings is a premium line of children’s apparel from New York, founded by designer Alexandra Gizela. The brand focuses on high quality and multi-fuctional pieces according with today’s design conscience and environment awareness. 

S/S15 Boy’s wear at Playtime Paris

I would have loved to be a childrenswear buyer for boys at Playtime, as there was such a variety of really wonderful clothes. I hope this abondance reflects in next season's shelves and parents find an abondance of great options for their little men!