December 8, 2012
Marcel Soubirous, 4 ½ y old – Brooklyn, USA
Marcel loves Music (his electric guitar), Science (all about the Solar System) and to play with his cousins and friends. Mother Patricia Lambert is a…
December 4, 2012
Max, 3 y old – Barcelona, Spain
Max particularly loves building up 4 yogurt-packs castles at supermarkets confesses his mother Carol, Product Designer at
November 27, 2012
Iago – 6 y old – La Coruña, Spain
Iago is crazy about soccer; just read his interview and you'll understand how addicted he is ;-). "We call him "The "Tiger" because it's his…
November 23, 2012
Natalia Martin, 10 y old – Madrid, Spain
In her interview, Natalia says that she loves her superdog Drago, "the smartest dog ever", that she would transform her little brother into a frog…
November 20, 2012
Lola, 4 years old – North Catalonia, Spain
"Lola is a very creative girl and loves to do workshops; each week we do 2 or 3 workshops together!" says Airi about her daughter. Airi is a kids…
October 25, 2012
Anais Juliette D’Haene, 6 y old – New York, USA
Anais is a typical 6 year old girl who dreams to be a princess, plays piano, loves being in the pictures, loves playing with her friends. One of her…
October 19, 2012
Theo Bourrelly, 7 y old- London, UK
The child of the day is Theo, "Mad about making and inventing anything! He’s charming (with many girlfriends), but slightly crazy!" - His mother is…
October 17, 2012
Albertine Mangan, 6 y old – Paris, France
Albertine has a gentle nature, she’s very attentive to others and she does things with passion. "Her level of concentration really amazes me!" says…
September 22, 2012
Theo, 5 and half years old – Torrelodones (near Madrid), Spain
Theo likes cars a lot but prefers classic cars to modern ones and the co-driver seat to the driver seat. Theo is a very romantic, calm and diplomatic…
September 19, 2012
Vincent, 4 years old – New York, USA
Vincent is everything NYC! He loves to dance, ride his scooter outside, swim, ride the big boy bus to school, and sneak as many slices of pizza,…
September 12, 2012
Anae, 6 ½ years old – Paris, France
Anaé (little flower in Japanese) loves costumes, spangles dresses, make up, glitters… She got into this in NYC where she lived for 4 years and used…
August 14, 2012
Martha, 3,5 year old – London, UK
Martha is an energetic and fun loving 3½ year old. She loves bunnies, Babybel and her best friend Astrid. Martha enjoys dressing up and insists on…