A new illustrated version of the Odyssey is out, and this is one you will want to read with your child for its incredible illustrations. A raising talent, Neil Packer who has illustrated novels such as 100 Years of Solitude and Catch 22, spent over 5 years working on the Odyssey. The result is pure beauty.

If there were a “Slow Design Movement”, Packer would be its best ambassador. While it took him a few hours to draw some of the simple images, the more complex of the colour pictures took anything up to a month to produce.There are more complex than simple, which makes the average time near to 3 weeks per image. The stylised, sophisticated drawings (80 in total) and the usage of a large palette of bright colours are ideal to (re)educate young eyes too frequently exposed to fast (and cheap) illustrations.
“Some of the images look like the friezes on the sides of Greek kraters; others are full-color portraits of gaunt warriors with haunted gazes or caricatures of their Bosch-like adversaries. Humor and horror coexist; sirens like patrician socialites lounge disdainfully above the buried skeletons of those they’ve lured to their deaths. Every image seems to have been created with unhurried care; it’s a quiet but monumental piece of work”, says a critic. This Homeric epic, an age-old story  is the perfect gift for children ages 8–up.
Neil Packer Illustration
Neil Packer Illustration
Neil Packer Illustration
Neil Packer Illustration
US Editor : candlewick.com – UK Editor : www.walker.co.uk – Available on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com