In 2010 as part of our Parent and child interview we spoke to Hannah and her mother Sabrina from the store Boucle d’or in Brussels. Hannah was 8 years old and she wanted to be an actress and a writer. Seven years later, she thinks she hasn’t changed much. She has a bigger room, wants to become a film director and has a long list of countries she wants to visit…


What do you feel when you read what you wrote 7 years ago? Actually I didn’t change so much.

Do you still live in the same town? Yes , I’ve just changed room, my mother took mine and I’ve got hers ( it’s quite bigger). 

Do you have new ideas about the type of profession you want to embrace, or the things you want to do as an adult? I don’t want to be an actress anymore but a director and I want to see a lot of countries and cultures.

What are the books, films, events that made an impression on you lately? I really appreciate 2 books speaking about teenagers : “looking for Alaska” by John Green and ” the Perks of being a wallflower” by Stephen  Chbosky. For films : Leon, the professional by Luc Besson and Fight Club by David Fincher made me want to become a director. What I liked most about Fight club is the main theme, which is about what meaning we want give to our life. Léon is quite disturbing because of the relationship between an adult and a young girl, but for me movies are also here to get us out of our comfort zone.  

What is the most beautiful lesson you’ve learned from your experiences so far? We think sometimes we are the only one feeling something, like a worry when in reality it’s shared by many of us. 

What skills do you have that are special? I would like to make films that will be as inspiring as the ones that inspired me.

What do you think would make a change in the world? Ending debates about homosexuality, accepting that it is a sexual orientation like another, and more generally speaking a lesser degree of hate between human beings. 


What are the main changes that happened in your life/profession in the last 7 years? I’ve learned how to work with social media, with high benefits for the store’s expansion, in an increasingly digital world.  Boucle d’Or also allowed me to meet people with whom I was then able to work on interior decoration, or to create mood boards for fashion trends agencies. 

What is the most precious message that you have you drawn from educating Hannah? Always keep the communication open and flowing.  

What makes you happy about your family? The deep connexion I have with my daughter, the laughters we have together, the list of travels the two of us want to do.

Has Hannah evolved the way you thought she would? Even better; Hannah fascinates me with her very own universe and with her maturity, She is a surprising young lady, well grounded with lots of will power.

What is your recipe for happiness? Move on, nurture and listen to oneself, laugh, do some fun things, and get surrounded by well intended, positive people.

Your formula to keep the family healthy? We eat lots of vegetables, especially organic. We always end up our meal with herbal tea made of natural plants, we go to bed early, and we take frequent walks with our dog Gustave. 

A quote from an author/thinker/artist that you particularly like? Life is like riding a bycicle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving -Albert Einstein.

Mom&Child : Sabrina Palmisano & Hannah Gunzig 7 years later

Original interview 7 years ago

Boucle d’Or, Rue du Tabelion 12, 1050 Bruxelles