E-store founder, blogger, mother of Fanny (4) and Sander (8), Carina Schott lives in Rhode Island. She tells Pirouette how Nonchalant Mom started, what’s in her mind, what’s makes her happy and proud.
“I started nonchalant mom in 2004, moving to a small town in Rhode Island from NYC I didn’t know what else to do. I’ve been in fashion for 25 years, so I had the idea to start a very cool online kids store with all my favorite ‘friends’ collections from New York City. At the time this was a pretty novel idea; now it’s quite obvious. And now Nonchalant Mom is changing and evolving each year as I try to continue to surprise everyone (I’m meeting more and more ‘friends’ with great collections every day!). You ask me where my business is going in five years and I think what I see is small neighborhood Nonchalant Mom shops in any town, with a mix of fun things for mom and kids — and then my own collection Nonchalant Kids! (when I can find the time to work on it!). I am pretty committed to community and doing things local, it’s my form of being ‘green’. So just tell me if you want to be the Nonchalant Mom in your town… and hey, let’s talk!”

How do you describe your lifestyle?
I try to be very simple, I do simple things with my kids, grow our own food, eat our meals as a family and live in a happy and loving way.
Your perfect Sunday?
Lying in bed and reading a book, with a cup of tea and a croissant! (although no one in our town makes good croissants so maybe I would have to be in Paris for this perfect Sunday to happen!)
Your inspirations at the moment ?
At the moment it’s this pile of dirt in our front yard that I have to turn into a garden pretty soon! But I will be going to the Brimfield flea market next week so maybe I will have a better inspiration after the flea market!
The book on your bedside table?
Don’t laugh… Star – How Warren Beatty seduced America by Peter Biskind but then I am also reading Acid and Alkaline by Herman Aihara which is talking about how important it is that your body fluids be alkaline, it’s really fascinating!
The music in your ipod?
I sing with my kids a lot so it’s ABBA and Steve Miller Band and things like that… we play it loud in the car and sing, I think that New Yorkers really miss this interaction, it’s really funny!
Favorite city in the world?
I just got back from Paris so I would have to say Paris, although I love Stockholm so much too!
Favorite stores?
Ha – mine silly! I also LOVE Tortoise in Venice, CA and Eriks Hjalpen in Rattvik, Sweden (it’s like Salvation Army in the USA)
Your favorite place for family holidays?
Our friends have an Island in Northern Minnesota – it’s heaven on earth! (without a bathroom!)
Your favorite website related to children?
Once again I would have to say – mine silly! But I love Bloesem too! Irene always inspires me to create a better blog!
Your favorite magazines related to children?
Small magazine – I am working on one too… but it’s taking longer than I thought and I think it’s going to be more of a catalog… not sure yet! (it’s only 14 pages so far!)
Your favorite movie to watch with the whole family?
Me and the kids LOVE Marley and Me… my husband stopped watching it with us after about 10 times! (and now we have a dog named Marley, in the picture)
Your favorite possession in your home?
Photos of the kids all over the house! (my teapot also matters to me)
What do you prize most in life?
Harmony (maybe it’s because I’m an Aquarius)
What are you proud about?
I really love our home… it’s so comfortable and a really happ
y place to live! And my business, I love it and I think it’s really great. I think that some people may say it’s their kids but I think they should be proud of themselves… they came out of ‘us’ but they are their own person.

Nonchalant Mom, Small Magazine, Bloesem.