Screen capture: Mother & child interviews revisited - Paris Playtime

New Screen Capture: Parent & Child interviews revisited. Playtime Paris exhibition 2019

Screen Capture exhibition: Parent and Child interviews revisited. January 26 - 28 2019 In a fast-paced ever-changing world it’s important to occasionally stop and reflect on things done, and experiences shared. Pirouette’s Parent & Child interviews provide a snapshot in time…

Animal Rescue or Pet Project : Oeuf x SCAR

We are under the spell with Oeuf's latest photoshoot, featuring dogs, cats, rabbits and even a turtle, from an animal shelter in Brooklyn. Such a wonderful idea combining brand awareness + charity. All this is coming from Sophie Demenge's true love for animals, and for her…

Sunday Video : My favorite thing by Sophie Demenge

This is a very inspiring video for both parents and children. About how the mother of Sophie Demenge (founder of Oeuf), at the age of 13, got into an amazing obsession and ritual, that turned into a wonderful collection...

Mae, 8 years old – New York, USA

Mae is a very independent and centered girl, with a strong sense of self. She is a wonderful sister to her rambunctious younger brother Marius. The mother, Sophie Demenge, also co-founder and designer of Oeuf adds : "Mae enjoys the company of others (kids and adults alike) but…

Oeuf at LFG
