Hannah Gunzig, 8 years old – Brussels, Belgium

8 years old Hannah Gunzig and mother Sabrina Palmisano from Belgium are our guest for a short interview today. Hannah speaks both French and Italian, and Sabrina, former jurist, is a stylist and the owner of a beautiful children's store called Boucle d'or, in Brussels.

Aussie toys


Fabrics on display


Anorak goes French


Interview of a store owner : Dominique – Les petits Chapelais, NY

DSCN2903.jpg . Dominique Simonneaux is French, and a…

Kickers by Melanie Rodriguez


Tada!Shop : Pirouette’s “Editor’s picks”

Screen shot .jpg Tada! Shop really brought a…

Oh Boy!


A beautiful video…

Captivating film by Alex Giomo - Styling Matilde Castellini - Starring Perrine, Ilona, Camille and Theo. Soundtrack "How nice it is" by Passarella Death Squad.


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