Good Morning Pitti Bimbo!

Pirouette Chat Show - LIVE filming Day 1 - PB98
Watch live filming at 11am Wednesday, 17 January
@ the UniCredit Bimbo Arena

An eclectic mix of guests join Katie for a quick chat… Gossip, grumbles, opinions and experiences – fresh talk and fun guaranteed (as long as the coffee has kicked in).

Inflation is up, or is it down? The market is looking timid, transport costs are still on the rise… Take a break & remember we’re working in kids fashion. Important matters, unimportant musings, society, business, culture, or the latest housewives episode.
No topic is off the kiddie’s table

Guests include

Karina Vigier

French Influencer, publisher and TikTok star.  Need we say more…

  • KiDS Magazine
  • BaBy KiDS
  • Bome

Linda McLean

Kids fashion press legend, aka Smudgetikka

  • Smudgetikka

Josefine Ekstrand

Creator, traveller, influencer.

  • leoleocopenhagen
  • leoleofamily

UniCredit Bimbo Arena