January 13, 2024
What to look out for at Pitti Bimbo 98 Day 1
Day 1 to do list Having had a sneaky peek at a number of the FW24 collections it seems sophistication will be in the air from the 17th of January…
January 12, 2024
Good Morning Pitti Bimbo!
Pirouette Chat Show
LIVE filming Day 1 PB98
Good Morning Pitti Bimbo! Pirouette Chat Show - LIVE filming Day 1 - PB98 Watch live filming at 11am Wednesday, 17 January @ the UniCredit Bimbo…
December 29, 2023
directory* print
Pirouette directory* Pirouette is launching a printed zine* during the AW/FW24 trade show season to celebrate the upcoming launch of Pirouette…
November 6, 2023
Pitti Bimbo 98 announces ‘PittiTime’ theme for AW24 show season
Time travel to Pitti Bimbo 98!For the forthcoming AW/FW24 selling season “PittiTime” is the theme of Pitti Immagine’s winter fairs…
June 16, 2023
Pirouette SS24 show season schedule
A preview of what Pirouette is up to at the shows this SS24 selling seasonThe sun is shining and it’s that time of the year again… And of…
February 12, 2023
The Loft Showroom NYC – this weekend!
If you are in New York this weekend make sure to give a visit to The Loft showroom. A great group group of brands have collaborated to host their own…
February 10, 2023
‘Coup de Coeur’ selection FW23
Our 'Coup de Coeur' selection for kids' fashion & lifestyle products for AW23 / FW23.What a creative & encouraging AW / FW 23 season!…
February 7, 2023
Post Show Season AW23.
Initial thoughts…
Some initial thoughts about the AW/ FW 23 show season. From Pitti Bimbo, to Playtime to CIFF Kids - all the shows built upon their prior outings post…
January 10, 2023
Pirouette’s trade show schedule
for AW/ FW 23
So for many 2023 looks set to be a tough year. Independents will undoubtedly need to be at their creative best use their ability to quickly adapt to…
September 26, 2022
A look at Maison&Objet, Paris
The latest edition of Maison&Objet saw 162 brands exhibiting in the kids' & family section - representing just over 7% of total exhibitors.…
September 23, 2022
Two new french facelifts – I love Playtime & Doolittle magazine
Well and truly back into work after Summer and we can report on some 'newness' popping up like an out of synch spring. We have a couple of facelifts…
July 20, 2022
Playtime Paris #29 Bonjour French brands!
Kids’ fashion SS23 collections, Playtime Paris #29 Katie chats with some fabulous french brands and ask them to pick 3 pieces to showcase…