Deborah Medhurst and Ric Ramswell, owners of childrenswear brand No Added Sugar, live in Hampshire with their sons Gabriel and Lucien.  The family shares a passion for travel, music and good food. Quick peek at their home and cultural surroundings.

The Ramswell lived in London before moving to the countryside. They really enjoy their new countryside life with lots of space for the boys. “We work in beautiful soulful barns, with blissful under floor heating and a courtyard garden with the beauty of the south downs national park enveloping us, how could we regret London?”. The very short drive between school , office and home is a also real bonus. Gabriel who is 13 years old, was flexi boarding (coming back home when he wanted) but he is now a day student, happy to spend more time with mom, dad and his brother Lucien, 9 years old.
No Added Sugar - Rick and Deborah
One of the family passions is to travel. At the end of 2011 they went to Vietnam for a whole month, then they were in Marrakech for Easter. “It was enormous fun and we hope to take the boys to India for a month over the summer. Summer holidays in Europe don’t quite cut the mustard for me. Diverse cultures are so much more appealing” says Deborah.
No Added Sugar

Gabriel and Lucien are passionate about music. Gabriel plays guitar, base guitar and ukele while Lucien plays drums and African drumming. They also love going to concerts and this summer was the first family visit to Glastonbury – a big hit! Gabriel also loves to skateboard, and Deborah and Rick love collecting art, living & eating well.
No Added Sugar
Deborah studied and worked in Interior Design, but gave it all up on meeting Ric at the start of the acid house scene. Together they created and ran a clubbing and party brand ‘Pushca’ for almost ten years. Ric left education to set up his own clothing label which he ran until him & Deborah met in the late 1980’s. Deb&Rick is one of the most stylish couples you will meet in children’s fashion. Looking at them today, you can easily picture them in glamorous outfits, dancing in the late 80’s lavish and exclusive London parties, until dawn.
No Added Sugar
No Added Sugar was created in 2001 by Deborah who started with a very small range of baby t’shirt.  Deborah made her wish list of shops and stores for appointments and soon they had lots of orders. No Added Sugar offered a postal service to customers and the little business started growing and spreading out from the corner of the loft. In 2007, the brand presented their first full collection and stocked to some wonderful stores globally (about 200, spread in 15 different countries). Last year, No Added Sugar opened its first boutique in Notting Hill.No Added Sugar

Florence Rolando

Launched in London in early 2009 by Florence Rolando (journalist, co-founder of Bubble Trade Shows) Pirouette Blog has been a reference in the industry since 2009 with its combined business and consumer view of the children’s market. A fantastic resource for children’s fashion, design, trends and culture, it aims to support creativity and talent but it also does this by talking about life, family, culture and health.

Florence is an international leader in the industry (8 years as a Milk Collaborator, contributor to Naif Magazine in Spain, co-founder of Bubble Trade Shows in New York and London).

Now Florence runs Energy Therapy Porto @enrgy_therapy_porto

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