Exit Magazine Issue number 40
Vee Speers, from the “Birthday Party” Series
Four years after our first encounter at AIPAD in New York, I met Vee Speers again last week, during Paris Photo. Vee was showing her new works on the London based “Photographer’s Gallery” booth. She told me she was quite surprised by the enormous coverage she had with her “Birthday Party” series (pictures above). That is how she drove my attention on the latest issue of EXIT, a 10 years anniversary issue that I would have been sad to miss : close to 200 pages of photos and texts focused on children aged 10. Michael Chelbin, Vee Speers, Nicholas Prior, Roger ballen, Wendy McMurdo, Sergey Bratkov, Clare Richardson, Anastasia Khoroshiilova, Anna Fox, Ingar Krauss….a long list of stunning children’s photographers. Here’s a small selection of pictures that I particularly enjoyed, from artists that I know well or from ones I have just discovered in this rich EXIT issue.
Alexandra Sanguinetti, “Sweet expectation series”, 1994 (The artist is represented by Yossi Milo Gallery in New York)
Hellen van Meene, 2006 – Sadie Coles HQ, London & Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York
Michael Chelbin, “Jenya in my hotel room”, Ukraine 2005
Anastasia Khoroshilova, Vyacheslav & Maxim, Islanders series – Ernst Hilger Galerie, Vienna
Florence Rolando
Launched in London in early 2009 by Florence Rolando (journalist, co-founder of Bubble Trade Shows) Pirouette Blog has been a reference in the industry since 2009 with its combined business and consumer view of the children’s market. A fantastic resource for children’s fashion, design, trends and culture, it aims to support creativity and talent but it also does this by talking about life, family, culture and health.
Florence is an international leader in the industry (8 years as a Milk Collaborator, contributor to Naif Magazine in Spain, co-founder of Bubble Trade Shows in New York and London).
Now Florence runs Energy Therapy Porto @enrgy_therapy_porto
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