Steve McCurry, in the finest documentary tradition, captures the essence of human struggle and joy”. His Football series is an illustration of the latest. Children playing in the street is something precious that we have lost or forgotten, in many parts of the world. Too dangerous? Disturbing ?

Sad to read that official banned kids playing in the street in leicester (UK) : “A 15-home community on a cul-de-sac in Leicester has been given notice that no more playing in the street is allowed by children there, and all toys and sports equipment must be removed, or face a £100 fine. The order is based upon the 1980 Highways Act, which forbids such activity. Although no complaints were received from the residents on the road, nearby residents and motorists turning around on the street are thought to be to blame. A resident said : “We want our children playing where we can see them. We moved here so that there was a nice, safe environment for them to play in, where they could interact with other children their own age”.

Let’s hope architects,  urban planners and local authorities get their thoughts on creating clever children’s outdoor spaces in cities . Kids and families need more social link and also more occasions to get exercise and avoid obesity problems.