Blurring the boundaries of technology and fashion,  Lithuanian label Anchovy create the patterns for their clothing though the Anchovy app . The app developed by Karolis Kosas and Giedre Kose takes words and translates them into colour gradients simply by typing. if you go to their site, you can have a play !

Anchovy started with the idea to create a fun tool that turns words into colour. The first person to test the app was the designer’s 2 year old daughter, who having grabbed the iPad, sat down on the floor and started to type random letters that drew beautiful colour patterns. Both parents loved the process and the designs so much that they decided to make them into a wearable children’s line.

But why Anchovy?  Well according to the creative pair most interesting things are either loved or hated.

SS17 collection – The patterns on the clothing are created from two words “pink” and “blue”. The designers thought it would be interesting to take two of the most stereotypical colours in kid’s fashion and see how the app would react. The result: blue translated into gradients of green and “pink” into gradients of blue.

technology fashion Anchovy

SS17 Photos by Chiara Santarelli.


AW17-18 Photography Preview – Anchovy explore the theme of ‘Melting’, playing with shapes and forms of melting ice, running water and frozen nature.

technology fashion Anchovytechnology fashion Anchovy

technology fashion Anchovytechnology fashion AnchovyAW17 Photos by Raimonda Vysnia

Fantastic discover whilst walking the show at Playtime Paris AW17.