Brand name : Wovenplay

Website :

Date of creation : 2007

Country of origin : USA – Country  of production : USA, New York

Name of owner : Katherine Edmonds

Number of employees : 5

Number of sales points : About 60, including Mini Boutique (South Korea), Sweet William (USA), Orfeo Design (UK)

Where to find the brand online? : Little Fashion Gallery, Little Vida, NonChalant Mom

Own e-store ?  yes since last year

Company statement or tag line : Creative couture for the everyday artist and adventurer

What makes the brand stand out ? The use of old techniques, hand-crafted textiles, practical form, and the natural qualities of materials. The collection is hand-made or hand-finished in Wovenplay’s studio. Fabrics are tinted in natural or low-impact dye.

How many pieces per collection : It depends on the collection but I would say about 30 pieces

Main materials used : Cotton

Your trade show planning for next season? Playtime in New York

Plans for the future ?  Opening of a showroom in our offices in Brooklyn.

Name of the photographer for the images sent : Sabrina Bot
