Brand name : LMN3
Company name : MissLRay.EU.
Website :
Date of creation : March, 2020
Country of origin : Austria
Country (ies) of production : Portugal, Italy
Name of owner/founder(s) : Natasha Milkovich
Number of employees : 5-10
Number of sales points : 30

In how many countries is the brand present: 7
Own e-store : July 2020
Own store (brick and mortar): If so where/addresses? No

Company statement or tag line : Lmn3, A brand with the purpose

What makes the brand unique / stand out : Our mission is serious but the approach is vibrant, colourful, and eternally optimistic!

Environmental/Ethical commitment : The brand´s founder Natasha Milkovich´s approach to sustainability is a personal one, shaped by the genuine beliefs and commitment to work towards building a responsible and positive business model: “Sustainable fashion means so much more than just using eco-friendly materials – it’s stitched into the DNA of our entire brand, and we endeavour to help you navigate the landscape alongside us, designing a better future together”

Where to find the brand online:
3 stores that are loyal to you : ODD Concept Store, Whoopie, Harvey Nichols, Doha

A quote from a client or journalist :
“Les marques de mode avec une conscience écologique ont beau fleurir, rares sont celles à faire du caractère responsable de leur production le cœur même de leur démarche.”
“Fashion brands with an ecological conscience may flourish, but few display the responsible character required to put their production at the very heart of their approach.”

By Salome Mathieu for Milk Magazine

Product categories : clothing, accessories
How many pieces per collection : 100
Main materials used : Organic Cotton, Tencel

Trade show planning for the SS23 selling season : Playtime Paris
Wholesale contact:
Agents/distributors: TFNY, USA/ Cote Collective, China/ Kodomono, Japan/ Showroom, Vienna

Plans for the future : Womenswear, Home

SS22 Collection title & description:


This story is about an expanded vision of our surroundings. Nature is emphasized through almost uv tones; taken from rays of light, and through rich textures the collection speaks about totally free exploration towards what is familiar, as a child would do, giving a new creative interpretation about what is part of our daily life.

LMN3 - sustainable kids fashion